Bed time stories

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Once a pon a time...

Blah blah blah I am done with Cinderella and that princess thing this is my half.

Ok it's not princess or fairy tale or magic it's really just simple.

Ok now once I were outside ok before you ask I am her little sister I was treated the the most bad she is blah blah blah. ok now after I was sitting I went to get a drink of water.she was in a dress in a carriage I thought it was awesome. I tried to touch her on the shoulder but it was to much Beautiful. I just we'll and I was only 4years old very short.but then it hit me yes really her dress hit me! And I yelled ITS ME and all she said was get away little brat. Ok I had to learn it was a not a nice word and we should not say it it is bad but that is another story all I know is bad memories of that don't say it back to the story she was rude so I called the fairy godmother and she made it till midnight and I tripped her and she actually screamed and yelled help the prince actually never wanted to see her again. she cryed and wined and they well the prince was happy she was miserable she started the cycle. Over and over again and again.

And then the door opened one day And the first prince found her fake slipper and again I said IT WAS A FAKE but nobody listens to me.

I was tempted to yell at them but a didn't I held it in I am really mad so I get the evil twin brothers and sisters they said well the brothers said GET AWAY and then I went to talk to the sisters they were gone I am so little I don't know why But there is my half and listen to me not Cinderella. just so you know she did live a nice

happy wonderful life and her mother. really did take care of her so and her step mother did to they both loved her!

So goodnight sleep tight don't let the bed bugs bite just for tonight.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2013 ⏰

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