Twin brother. (10)

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**Tom Pov **

I leaned against the door and heard as she tried to open it behind me and my stomach felt sick. I just wanted to help her get out of this hell hole but Bill was insane. A crazy animal who deserved to pay for his wrong doings yet he cared for nothing or no one. Not even his own brother and that hurt.

-4 hours prior-

"Tom come outside real quick.." a deep voice whispered tapping my leg repeatedly. My eyes fluttered open and a tall blurry figure stood before me staring me down as I laid still holding Faith in my arms.

"Bill..?" My voice groggy yet I only felt fury towards him at the moment from earlier. "Yeah yeah it's me now come out I need to speak to you." His voice bitter which made me feel more upset. I didn't want to speak to him. Not after what he did to Faith.

"Come.!" His voice stronger and more demanding as he slapped my leg harder making me wince a bit from the sudden pain. "Fine!" I whispered angrily as I slowly pulled away her hands from around my waist and placed them onto my pillow, I sat up stretching a bit before getting up and walking right behind Bill who walked side to side as he exited the room. I followed right behind closing the door behind me before facing him. By his condition I knew he was drunk but why so late?

His face expression was cold but evil hid behind the eyes we both shared. A thing I started to detest as it reminded me every day that I was related to him and I couldn't escape the truth.

"So what do you want?!" I asked staring right into his cold brown eyes which seemed to try and pierce through mine but it didn't frighten me as he had done it many times before but always failed.

"You know I love you Tom.. I mean you're my brother after all, my twin brother and you know as siblings we sometimes need favors-"
"Get to the point Bill what the hell do you want now?!" I Interrupted upset with the bullshit he was trying to pull.

"Why you're smart anyways look if you want to keep Faith away from me then fine I don't want that skank in my room anyways but I want you to go into her pockets and retrieve me something.." his smile twisted in a way that made me feel uncomfortable.

"Hell to no if you think I'll invade her privacy!" I yelled taken aback from his request.
"You see Tom.. you will, I know you will otherwise I won't hesitate to murder you.." he paused.

"Ok murder me if you want but stay away from her!" I shouted staring right into his eyes which were now washed over by anger as his smile became a frown of dissatisfaction. "Why let me finish. I'll murder her too. BUT if you just get me that one item I'll leave her alone, I won't even look at her but you must not turn her in to Maria other than that you can do anything with her. Anything Tom.
Just give me that little trashy item and I'll let you
do to her as you please" His words pierced my heart something his eyes couldn't do and his smile creeped me out as it made my skin crawl in discomfort.

The way he said it with a smile on his face disgusted me. Why could he make her seem like an object when she was a human being just like me, like him, like everyone.

"Fuck Bill! You make me so angry I just want to-". I stopped. I didn't mean it I really didn't but with how much he changed I kind of wished I could.

"You want to what Tom? Kill me? Just like you killed papa and Mama?" He asked his smile faded only leaving a cold neutral expression on his face. The words he said hurt me, they damaged me even after so many years and I couldn't help but blame myself every time and he knew that. He knew how much it hurt me.

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