A fragile woman. (9)

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**Tom Pov**
+July 6th 2009+
My heart ached as I looked at her vulnerable beside me. She looked so fragile, so sad, so broken. Like her soul had been ripped out her body. Her skin was pale and her eyes were slightly sunken with eye bags hanging right under making her seem like she hadn't slept in years.
Who was this girl? I don't know but from what've seen and heard I knew she was nothing important to Bill. I mean what sane person who loved someone would hurt them like that? Everything I heard Bill tell her came to my mind.
I understood who this was now.
It was clear, it was someone that Maria cared for. Probably a relative? Or a friend.
For all I knew it could even be Maria's girlfriend but I knew she was important to Maria. Bad or good I knew she was involved with Maria, she had to be!  I had heard Bill say it himself saying it was all Maria's fault the poor girl was here.

But why harm the girl when the girl must've been so clueless as to why she was here?

My fingers caressed her skin slowly until I felt a hard spot on her skin, it wasn't normal though well it didn't feel to be. It was a line. A long one. But It wasn't just one, it was many, many that seemed they probably went up to her elbow.

I let go gently placing her hand on my leg as I reached for my phone which sat on the nightstand.

I grabbed it and turned on the flashlight and started inspecting her arm.

Long scabs laid on her skin with red fainted on the edges of them. I knew they weren't from a knife. It didn't look like it. No not at all.

It was everywhere on her skin too. Or was it?
I slowly raised her sleeve and rolled it up till it stopped but it didn't til it reached her shoulder.

Long endless rows of scabs. I placed my finger on them tracing them and suddenly she jumped when I came to one of them.

I looked at it close and I saw how recent it looked. Not even a day ago was this made. It looked like someone had dug their nails into her skin and peeled her skin right off.

"Tom can you come out real quick.?" Georg's voice spoke softly behind the closed door making me pull away my hand from her arm since I had gotten startled feeling her twitch beside me again.

"Yeah just.. hold on." I replied. I looked back at her. Her eyes twitched and shifted in a way that indicated she was afraid though she still rested In silence.

"I'll be back.." I whispered hoping to comfort her sleeping body. I leaned in and placed a small kiss on her cheek before turning back around and getting up from the bed before walking to the door and walking out closing the door behind me.

I came eye to eye with Georg who stood in front of me his face showing a expression of disappointment. A expression I always got when me and Bill would argue.

"What..?" I asked confused. "Look Tom I know you wanted to help the girl and I do too and even if Bill is going through a hard time he shouldn't be hurting the girl but I think it's better if you don't intervene because he won't just hurt you. He'll hurt her more just to get a reaction out of you hoping you will be upset." He spoke his face expression not even changing.

"What?! Look Georg I don't know who you think you are to intervene between me and Bill. He isn't going to hurt her at all because even if she just came here today you should see how he left her! Now imagine months and maybe even years. Yeah no I'm going to make sure he'll never lay a hand on that girl again. You should see how she looks Georg! Poor girl looks broken.. why can't you ever side with me for once. Pathetic. Just pathetic." I retorted before turning back around and entering my room closing the door behind me gently as to not startle the girl who slept in my bed.

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