Knife party.(8)

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**Bill POV**
I walked to my room frustrated after the argument with Tom. I didn't want to go off on him but he never wants to admit when he's wrong and that angered me.
I slowly opened the door as it creaked and I noticed Faith was nowhere to be seen. Had she ran off, had she jumped through the balcony or something?
Before I could make any more assumptions I heard  soft snoring from afar and some movement on the floor.

I walked in further and noticed she laid quietly on the wooden floor both her hands holding onto each other and her hair covered her face yet you could make out her lips.

As I walked closer I noticed more about her, her scent was sweet, a soft strawberry smell that reminded me of someone, someone long ago but I couldn't put my finger on it.

I stopped right beside her before crouching to pick her up. I assumed she would be heavy but she was light, a little to light for any girl her age range to be.
I pulled myself up with her in my arms as she muttered something under her breathe but her eyes still remained close.

**Faith Pov**

I felt as a presence entered the room making me shuffle around a bit hoping to wake up but my body was to tired as it was the first time in days that I had fallen asleep.

I shuffled a bit more as I realized the presence carried a heavy dark angry energy behind it. A dark presence I couldn't understand.

Suddenly I felt as they walked up to my body as it laid on the edge of the bed frame motionless.

I felt as their arms wrapped around me as they lifted me off the cold wooden floor making me let out a small mutter.

In fear of falling I wrapped my arms around their neck and pulled myself closer up to them placing my head right on their chest. Their heart beated rhythmically. It would softly beat against their chest and their breathing was slow but steady making me feel like for once in days I would get rest. Hopefully this time not with upcoming nightmares or demons like before.

They walked a bit until I felt as my body gently dropped onto a soft surface. It felt like the surface was suddenly sucking me in making me somehow feel a sense of freedom, a sense of relief from this awful life I had put myself in.

I felt as the surface sunk in further as someone sat down right beside me their breathing were deep and slow.

I tried to match their breathes and as I did I felt a warm rough hand touch my cheek making my skin crawl in displeasure.
"Oh Faith... oh Faith... I hate to drag you into this but Maria needs to pay and you are my ticket to ruining her completely." They whispered leaning right beside my neck their breathing could now be felt on my skin which caused goosebumps to rise.
I knew who this was. I knew it but their name always slipped my mind and I couldn't get why since their name always seemed so easy to say and to remember.

I felt as he suddenly kissed me on the cheek making my skin crawl so I shifted a bit to move away from him and I felt as he moved away.
"I know your awake faith." He said his voice instantly turning cold. "You can keep pretending you know.." he whispered leaning right in between of the crack of my neck and my shoulder and placing his head right behind my ear before nibbling it a bit making me shuffle once again uncomfortably.

"I knew it." He said backing away from me now sitting in his space and no longer bothering mine.

"But I must say Faith even after I threatened you you still decide to ignore me. You seem to be such a strong girl but even if you try to fight back against me. Even if you ignore me and pretend to do something. Even if you don't do anything I'll still have a reason to harm you and that exactly is why I'm excited to have you here .." he stopped and I suddenly heard a metal item make a clicking sound making my blood stream freeze from fear.

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