A stranger's bedroom.(6)

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**Faith Pov**
+July 5th 2009+

I sat silently in the backseat of this stranger's car, who was this? I had no clue but I didn't want to mess around to find out as he already scared me when he had grabbed me by suprised and he had stared right into my soul which was enough for me to stay quiet.

But why didn't Maria start chasing after him? Probably because she wasn't strong but than why would such a scary man know who she was.

"Stop talking to yourself out loud back there fucking lunatic!" The stranger snarled still looking at the road ahead of him.

"Why'd you take me away from her then?! What am I to you, what is she for you?!" finally Mustering up the courage to speak. "Because she took away something special from me and no one takes anything away from Kaulitz without getting consequence's and you pretty girl will be my token to the end of her." He spoke.

Kaulitz? My heart sunk to my stomach as I heard that name, it was familiar, probably because I heard it earlier. Someone who I had came to the race to stay away from but he had still managed to take me from Maria, from Akio, from my loved ones.

The car suddenly jolted foward causing me to hit myself against the back of the seat making me let out a groan.

"Told you to hold on." He laughed as he turned off the engine.
"Now come on we are here." He said as he got out the car slamming the door shut making the car tremble.
I looked outside my window expecting to see a ugly home but instead I saw as in front of us stood a enormous house, two times bigger than Maria's. It seemed to be three stories and  it was a cream-colored stucco with a brownish reddish tile roof. Recessed windows and doors were used to build this house and flowers, trees and bushes stood tall and in a healthy green color with other bright colors.

"Come on!" Someone shouted banging on the car door making me jump back, it wasn't the same person who was in the car with me but was now a buff dude with long straight hair that reached just under his shoulder.

I opened the door and got out my body shaking in fear at the situation I was stuck in.
He was taller than me too and looking at his Physique he seemed he really enjoyed the gym but it made him look attractive so it didn't matter anyways but he seemed fairly attractive.

"Bill told me to take you to his room." His voice said, he held a thick german accent and sounded hot than that I realized what he had just said .
"His room?!" I asked terrified of what would happen. "Look stop being such a whiny baby and get over it it's not like every dude you meet will want to fuck you." He spat out as he walked into the house.


"Get in he'll be here shortly to tell you why you are here anyways." He spoke leaving the room closing the door behind him.

I looked around the room absorbing all the details and the smell, it was dark, a very dark smell yet it had a hint of sweetness to it. A smell that I really loved and for some reason reminded me of someone, but who?

I walked around the room looking at the small decorations that stood on the furniture, pills laid on the desk, each bottle had a different name.
As I got closer to a box that laid on a dresser I smelled a horrible stench, a stench of marijuana.

As I got closer I heard the door open and someone cleared their throat making me look back to see who it was.

"Are you snooping through my stuff?" The stranger's voice rumbling out of his chest.
"No, no, no!" I denied my voice shaking from fear.
"You are lying aren't you? You are a liar just like Maria huh?" He spoke his voice getting louder and his boots clicked under his feet as he walked further towards me making my heart beat faster and faster as the moments progressed.

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