The Adventure of Pixie Face

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One day a unicorn, named pixie face, decided to go to the never lands. He took his map, food, water, and any other supply he needed ,and went one his way. He left his big and wonderful candy castle, as u may see pixie face is a prince of the under world. He walked through the big and scary woods that had monsters creeping out from every corner. On his way out the scary woods he meet a cute, but evil little bunny. It looked like any white little bunny and he had very floopy ears like any other bunny, the only thing that made him different was a birth mark on his back that looked like a pig. He found the bunny trapped under a rock. The little bunny plead for help and cried. Pixie face helped the little bunny. the little bunny was grateful with what pixie face had done for him that he wanted to join pixie face on his adventure. pixie face wasn't sure if he should allow the evil little bunny join him because he was evil in the first place. What if the little bunny decide to turn his back on him when he needed him the most. Pixie face thought about this but in the end Pixie face decide to let the little bunny join him on his big adventure, because he didn't want to fell lonely. To be able to get to the never lands pixie face and the little bunny had to go on a boat through the clouds, pass the very scary fairy castle, and go through and fountain of wonders.

Once out of the under world pixie face and little bunny had to go up to the sky in order to get on a floating boat that would take them to the scary fairy castle. They found a staircase that would take them all the way up to the boat, but it had been said that any one who went up those stairs would never make it to the top before dying, so they decide to take the elevator. Pixie face and the little bunny arrived to the magical floating boat where they meet a new friend. They found him in the bathroom inside a glory hole. This new friend was a flying squirrel. This wasn't just any flying squirrel, no this flying squirrel was the smartest squirrel in the word. The only problem was that he had very bad eyesight and had to wear glasses. They allowed the flying squirrel to join them on their adventure to the never lands for his amazing mouth skills. While pixie face, little bunny and the flying squirrel were getting on the floating boat, little bunny tripped on a cloud rock and fell of the cloud. Every one panicked, was these the end of little bunny. Flying squirrel had a plan, a very smart plan, a plan like no other plan in the world to save little bunny. He would fly down and save little bunny because he is just that amazing. The only problem was that his glasses wouldn't fall of, because without them his plan would be useless. The flying squirrel took a head start, ran of the cloud and tried to reach little bunny as fast as he could, but he was always a few seconds late. They got closer and closer to the ground at any minute now they would reach the ground and find out that little bunny would not have made it. This kept running through the flying squirrel head, he couldn't let little bunny die, he had to be faster; he had to be a hero. He finally reached little bunny, he had done it he was half way to saving him now all he had to do was fly back up to the cloud and that exactly what he did. Little bunny and flying squirrel reached the top of the cloud to find pixie face waiting for them but the boat was no longer there it had left them and now they would have to wait for the next one to come. They waited for hour and hours maybe even days. As they Wait for the next boat to come they got hungry, very very hungry, so hungry that they would eat each other to survive. The good thing was that there was a food court open 24/7 for any of their needs. pixie face had fried eyeballs while little bunny ordered a carrot salad, and lastly flying squirrel ordered some nuts. This didn't seem unusual to pixie face and little bunny because they had heard that a gay disease was going around. They just hoped it wouldn't infect them. Once they were done eating they returned to the boat station and waited some more. The good thing is that they didn't have to Wait long for the boat to arrive, and once again they were on their way.

While on the boat they saw all different kind of creatures. They saw tall ones, short ones, blue ones, green ones,and some that were very colorful. The ride to the scary fairy castle wasn't very long, they could of actually taken the whole boat ride to never land but they had to get some stuff first at the scary fairy castle.

The first thing you should know about the scary fairy castle is that it's not a castle any more. The place has completely gone mad. It's the most dangerous place to live, there robberies every where you turn, or someone getting raped or killed. The place is filled with screams for help, dirt and blood everywhere. You may ask your self why this place turned out so bad? Well the thing is that scary fairy castle was actually a happy place and it used to be called the castle of the happy. Until one day the kings wife died and Shyla came along. She was the most beautiful creature the king had ever seen. She had the most beautiful black fur, blue eyes that glowed so bright, the most perfect body any creature had seen, and a voice of a thousand angels. She said that she loved that king, that all she wanted to do was help him, but all she wanted from him was his money. So one night he finally died, Shyla had poisoned him slowly knowing that she would keep all him money and kingdom. Ever since that day everything went downhill, all the creatures started to go mad now that Shyla was queen. They had nothing to eat and everyone tried to do what every they could to survive. Queen Shyla didn't care, she kept taking people money and became the queen of the whores. Even though every one knew who she was and what she did every creature fell to her feet.

Pixie face and his fiends entered the gate of the very scary fairy castle, they all looked brave except for little bunny, at least he made it seem like he was scared. He was so scared that he took flying squirrel with him and disappeared into the darkness. Pixie face was left alone, he knew bring that bunny was a bad idea but what could he do know. New had gotten around about prince Pixie Face coming to the castle and every one wanted to know why. The reason pixie face came to the scary fairy castle was to kill the scary fairies (no one liked being around the fairies because of how scary they looked so every one would see Pixie as a hero) and kidnap the queen for a sacrifice. Of course pixie face left out the kidnapping part. finally little bunny and flying squirrel joined pixie face again. fly squirrel looked scared but pixie face ignored him at the moment. They entered the castle, killing anyone that got in the way of their plans, being only in the first floor trying to go to the third, they would face many changes.


Pixie face and his friends first challenge a fight against the scariest looking monkeys ever. They were big and buff almost like gorillas. They had all kind of new weapons which put them an advantage

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2013 ⏰

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