Friends. (2)

740 21 22

+June 22nd 2009+
There was pure silence as soon as I entered and I suddenly feared I wouldn't fit in, I mean I never did before so why would I fit in now?

Suddenly Maria cleared her throat and started speaking her voice filled with excitement. "Alright so the girls sitting right next to each other, their names are Akari and Mizuki, their twins! Those 2 cuddling up against each other are Eliza and Mayu, their dating! Finally those 2 ugly giants are Akio and Axel!" She introduced and now everyone had a warm smile and waved at me as to welcome me into this home. "I'm Faith!" I said scared how they would react at such a ridiculous name.
"Wait what is it I can't really hear you?" Akio asked. I suddenly felt to embarrassed to speak, what if he still can't hear me? Was I to quiet? I thought I spoke loud and clear.
"Faith don't worry he's just messing with you" Akari.. or Mizuki? I don't know but one of them spoke up.
I mean they look so similar, exactly like copy and paste.
They had beautiful rich pale skin, silky long black hair that reached to their hips, hazel eyes which were capable of making you fall to your knees in a second, their cheeks a light pink as if they were always blushing.
They also wore the same clothes, a light grey crop top with black baggy jeans and a black beanie to top it off.

Eliza who sat quietly next to Mayu seemed so similar to Maria in a way, she had a caramel like skin color, her curly black hair that reached to her shoulder bounced at her small head movements, her dark brown eyes reflecting light from the ceiling. She wore a pair of small Jean shorts and a large black shirt which contained a skull on it with a few designs.

Mayu who proudly gave small pecks to Eliza looked a bit similar like Eliza yet different, her skin neither was it snowy white or caramel toned, it was in between. Her curly brown hair which reached to the half of her back was tied in a messy ponytail, her curly bangs covered her forest green eyes but not completely, just enough for anyone to see. She wore a pink crop top and black shorts with a pair of converse, a cute little outfit I really enjoyed.

Akio and Axel looked the same, both were tall even while sitting down, they had long black wavy hair styled into a middle part, dark brown slender eyes which seemed to smile at you all the time, their pale white skin covered in tattoos on their neck and their arms with cool doodles and drawing that seemed to have no meaning. They both wore a black zip up jacket with a white tank top and some sweatpants with a gold chain to top it off.

I admired how simple their outfits were yet they made it seem so much more cooler.

I was lost looking at Akio's and Axel's outfit the most as it made their muscles stick out way more.

"Soo you want to keep looking gorgeous or do you want to kiss..?" Akio asked giving me a sly smirk making me look away in embarrassment.

I heard Maria Mutter something under her breathe as that happened but I chose to ignore it hopefully not being mad at me for no reason.

"Eww like anyone would kiss you Akio!" Eliza finally spoke making me let out a chuckle.

"What! I'm hot! You just don't see it because you like girls!" Akio tried to defend.
"Well I don't like girls and I think the same thing as Eliza!" Mizuki laughed.
"I'll kiss you Akio don't worry you know I'll never let down a BIG offer like that" Axel smirked as he started making duck lips and getting closer towards Akio with his arms wide open.

"Ew get away I like girls!" Akio shouted getting up and running behind me making me let out a giggle.

As Axel got closer I walked to the side letting Akio stay uncovered. "Faith no!" Akio cried as Axel wrapped his arms around him and tried to kiss him.

"Ewww!" Akio cried out while trying to get out of Axel's tight grip.

"Ok chill out!" Maria shouted sounding a bit mad making everyone stop moving.

"Sorry." Akio and Axel both said as Axel let go of Akio and sat back down in his seat.

"Hm Akari go take Faith to her room I need to speak to the rest for a minute." Maria demanded.

"Ok Maria." Akari answered her answer sounding almost.. robotic?

"Faith follow me please." Akari voice spoke as she walked past Maria and me into the hallway.
I followed right behind and heard as Maria's demanding voice started scolding the others for an odd reason.

We walked a bit more before being led to a large staircase. She walked up the stairs me tagging right behind.

We soon made it to my room. "Just enter and you can unpack as I assume Marshall has already placed your items in your room, correct?" She said so robotically making my skin crawl.

"Uh yeah!" I answered. She nodded before walking away leaving me alone to enter my new room.

I touched the knob and slowly turned it before pushing foward and quickly getting hit by sunlight making me use my arm to shield myself from the sudden light.

My eyes soon got used to the light so I slowly put down my arm and I looked around, the cream colored walls, a large bed neatly made with towels stacked up on each other neatly, two large windows letting in beams of light and sudden waves of wind which flowed through the beige colored curtains which hung right above them.

A white two door with see through windows right in between the large windows most likely leading to a balcony.

I looked around more, chestnut colored nightstands and dressers were used in this room and were decorated by small cute ornaments.

Framed pictures were displayed on the walls along with a few painted drawing of flowers right above my bed frame making me feel so much happier.

I then noticed my luggage sat right next to a huge dresser so I could unpack then I realized I had brought my old band posters with me
So I quickly sprinted to one of the suitcases to get them out excited to put them up in my new room.


I decided to make Faith someone who loved the early bands such as Pierce the veil, falling in reverse, deftones, Radiohead, never shout never,  Asking Alexandria. Etc. 🤭

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