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I have a boyfriend.
Regulus Black is my boyfriend.
I know it's a risky move, considering Regulus is Sirius' brother but I've kept whatever we had going secret until now so I don't see why this should be any different.
I get into the Gryffindor common room after my date with Regulus and find my three best friends sat by the fire place.
"Where have you been, Prongs?" Asks Sirius
"I just popped to Hogsmeade for a bit" I replied
"Find anything good?" Asks Pete
"Nah not really, was looking for stuff for our next prank, couldn't think of anything in the end so I thought I'd wait till we all went" I lied
"Well, Moony wasn't there, we all know he's the brains behind the pranks" states Sirius
"I soon realised that actually, it's true that our pranks wouldn't be half as successful as they are without our Moony" I reply with a smile
"Boys you flatter me" says Remus, rolling his eyes at us.
"Prongs, it's the night" says Sirius
"The night?" I ask, confused about what he's getting at with this one
"You know, the night we're all gonna spend with Moony" Sirius replies
Oh shit.
Tonight is a full moon. Tonight is the first full moon we're gonna spend with Remus as animagi.
"Shit yeah it is, Merlin that's tonight? I'm a day behind" I say "How're you feeling, Moons?" I ask
"The same as I always do" replies Remus.
I admire Remus for his strength and resilience, I can't imagine what he goes through each month, enduring the same pain knowing there's nothing he can do about it. He really does have admirable strength for carrying on in the way he does, I wish I could be half the man he is. He is the glue that holds the group together, we'd be lost without our Moony.
Eventually it gets time for dinner and Remus is rushing us all down to the great hall "I'm fucking starving get a move on" Remus moans as Sirius is getting his shoes on
"Merlin, Moony, we'll get there on time don't you worry your pretty little head about it" Sirius replies
"Don't smart talk me today, Sirius, I'm not in the fucking mood just hurry up will you? I'm wasting away"
Remus get's quite irritable on the days of the full moon and we just kind of deal with it and excuse it because we know he can't really help it and we know we should cut him some slack which is why Sirius shuts up, which everyone knows is a rare occurrence for Sirius.
We finally make our way down to the great hall and take a seat in our usual spot which is slap bang in the centre of the table.
Eventually the food appears on the table and before you can blink, Remus has already torn off a leg of one of the many chickens lined up on the table before spooning potatoes on his plate. He stacks his plate up with all sorts of foods before digging in and none of us bat an eyelid, who are we to judge?
"Merlin, Lupin, you could feed a village with that"
For some reason, Severus Snape is near the Gryffindor table and has somehow come to the conclusion that he can talk to us.
"Who the fuck are you to judge, Snivellous?" Sirius asks before I even get the chance to pipe up
"Now now, Black, no need to get your knickers in a twist I was simply...admiring, if you will, Lupin's ability to wolf down his meal" Severus replies, a small grin playing on his face
"It's funny, Snape, I was just looking here and I couldn't actually find where I give a fuck. What are you doing at Gryffindor table?" I say vehemently
"Ah I see Potter's put in his two pence. If you must know, I'm here to see Lily"
"Well, I'm sure you have just enough brain cells to recognise that she's not sat with us so how about you piss off" I reply
"Will you all stop bickering?" Asks the familiar voice of Lily Evans
"He started it" Sirius replies in an accusatory tone
"I don't remember asking" says Lily "Let's go, Sev" Lily adds before they both walk off and sit elsewhere on the table.
"I hate him" Sirius states matter of factly
"Don't we all" replies Remus.
Soon enough, it's nightfall, Remus has been escorted by Madam Pomfrey and Professor McGonnogall down to the Whomping Willow as per usual every full moon whilst Sirius, Pete and I wait for a while before we sneak out.
We all head out under the invisibility cloak and head out of the castle, making our way to the Whomping Willow. "Alright, Pete, your time to shine" I whisper. Pete nods and pulls out his wand.
Pete begins shrinking, transforming, even, into his animagus: a rat.
He scurries along the floor over to the knot in the trunk of the Willow that freezes the branches. Once he's done that we make our way through the entrance of the Willow and once we're in, Sirius and I transform, me into a Stag and Sirius into a Dog.
We watched Remus transform, it looked horrid and painful. I had to turn my head away because I couldn't handle watching him struggle and writhe and scream in pain, I couldn't watch my friend go through that and not be able to help. Finally he was in wolf form.
I expected him to be scary. He wasn't. He almost looked scared. But he wasn't scary. He was...majestic. Magnificent, even.
The wolf at first didn't seem to be too sure about us, especially Pete.
Sirius made the first move and decided to be playful with the wolf, jumping from side to side in some sort of game, the wolf took well to this.
We coaxed the wolf outside and we hunted rabbits and squirrels and all sorts. We chased each other and played some games, the wolf seemed to love it, he seemed happy, satisfied with his night.
As dawn came creeping in we coaxed the wolf back into the shrieking shack and waited for Remus to transform back into himself before we too transformed back into our human forms.
Remus seemed worn out, breathless and in a lot of pain. He gave us a small smile but looked too tired to muster anything more "That was the best full moon I've ever had" Remus admits breathlessly "I didn't scare you guys did I?" Remus adds worriedly
"Not at all" I say
"You were wonderful, Remus, truly magnificent" Sirius remarks.
Remus smiles at this before dozing off to sleep.
We decide to leave him to it and get back to the castle before Madam Pomfrey came in and found us.
We successfully sneak back to our dorm and immediately crash into bed.
The next day we don't wake up until lunch so we drag ourselves down to the great hall, each of us still half asleep.
Pete leaves us to sit with some of his Ravenclaw friends, leaving just me and Sirius.
I grab myself some rolls and butter them before filling them with ham, cheese, lettuce and tomatoes.
Sirius fills his rolls with chicken, lettuce and mayonaise.
"I'm gonna make Moony some sandwiches and bring them up to him" says Sirius after he'd had something to eat "Sounds like a plan" I reply "I won't come, he probably won't want too many people around him right now, I'll pop by and see him later" I add
"Yeah probably for the best" replies Sirius. He makes Remus an assortment of different sandwiches and makes his way to the hospital wing, leaving just me on my own.
I search for my boyfriend on the Slytherin table and find that he too is eating alone. I wonder where his friends are.
I take this as my opportunity to go and talk to him.
"Wotcher, Regulus" I say with a smile as I approach his table
"What're you doing over here?" Asks Regulus
"Came to see if you were free, is that a crime?" I ask with a grin
"I am in fact free"
"Good, let's go" I say
"Go where?"
"You'll find out"
A smile grows on Regulus' face as he stands up and follows me.
We get out of the great hall and I pull him behind the staircase for a kiss
"I just wanted to do that to say hi" I say
"I do like that greeting" he replies
"Good because so do I"
"Where are we going?"
"The astronomy tower. It's become our place"
"Our place?"
"We've done almost everything in the Astronomy tower, thus making it our place"
"Our place. I like that"
We get to the astronomy tower which, thankfully is free.
I wrap my arms around Regulus' waist and pull him in closer to me. I realise that Regulus is actually quite a bit shorter than me. I like that. I like that he fits right into my chest, it makes it look like we fit together, like puzzle pieces almost.
I run my fingers through his hair and study his face for a moment "You're so pretty" I say and he blushes. I love making him blush, it's one of my favourite things.
"Shut up" Regulus replies
"You don't mean that"
"No I don't"
"My Pretty Boy"
After I say that, Regulus pulls me in for a kiss, leaning his head into mine to harden the kiss, making it more passionate, more desperate even, like he needs me, maybe he does.
I kiss back with equal force. Soon enough our hips are grinding together and we both know where this is going. I unlock my lips from his and place them along his jawline, moving ever so slowly down to his neck, his collar bone, but I don't go any further, I tease him instead and come back into a kiss, he begrudgingly kisses back, allowing me to understand his frustration by grinding his hips harder into me.
"What do you want, baby? Use your words" I say, planting kisses down his neck.
"You. I want you" Regulus replies, almost breathless from the kissing.
He places kisses along my neck and removes my shirt, moving his lips down my body and even leaving a few hickeys along the way.
I place my forefinger under his chin and force his head back up so his eyes meet mine "Such a pretty boy" I say with a smile before kissing him again.
Eventually I decide to give him a bit more and kiss down from his neck, down his torso, stopping at his chest to leave him a few hickeys. I then travel lower and lower until I reach the waistline of his grey jogging bottoms.
"You should wear these more often" I suggest
My god does he look good in grey. I lick along the waistline of his jeans, just teasing him a little bit longer "James, please" he begs.
I'll spare you the details of the rest.
Afterward he lays with his head on my chest and I begin to play with his hair. I never did that before, it felt too personal, too intimate despite everything else we had done, it felt too much of a couple thing to do before, but now we are a couple, now he's my boyfriend and I don't have to resist the urge to run my fingers through his hair, I just can.
"That was our first time as a couple" Regulus states
"It was indeed"
"Somehow it felt better"
"I get what you mean"
"Can you believe we've been doing this for over a month?"
"It can't be"
"We're at the beginning of November, this started in mid September"
"Merlin, we have haven't we?"
"Time flies by when you're having fun"
I can't help but laugh at that comment and plant a kiss on his forehead. That's when I realise something; I think I'm in love with Regulus Black.


Hello there my lovelies!

We have some marauders antics as well as wholesome Jegulus in this chapter which is always a win!  Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Have an absolutely wonderful day!

Stay wonderful!

All my everlasting love,

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