Patronus Charms

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​Harry rolled to his side on the bed. He lazily grabbed his glasses. He hated mornings so much. Not because he had to wake up but because it was the most stressful part of the day. Everyone was in a hurry and were busy. He hated being a part of the rat race of the morning.

           Ron was already picking up his books.
" Good morning, Harry."
" Morning. Why didn't you call me earlier?" He asked in his raspy morning voice, his eyes still blurry.
" Ahh.. I tried. But you didn't wake up." Ron grinned.  Harry groaned to himself.
" C'mon mate. It's already late." Ron was late himself. Yet, he waited for Harry.


" I think we'd have to skip breakfast." The raven spoke. His stomach was trembling.
" Nu-uh. We are not skipping breakfast. I can practically hear your stomach roar." Ron chuckled. Harry smiled in response.

" There you two are! Do you know how long I waited for you both!?" The brunette had her arms crossed. Her eyes were narrowed in disappointment.
" Sorry, Moine. Won't happen again." Ron draped an arm over her shoulder and kissed her cheeks. A blush was prominent on her face. One could say that she melted under the sweet gesture.

        Harry on the other hand, rolled his eyes and grinned. "Ah. Young love." He got a playful shove from Ron who was also grinning. Harry looked back into his food and then scanned the hall. Everyone was in a hurry burry except for a certain blonde sitting 3 tables across him.
         He noticed the boy was picking at his food, half-heartedly listening to his friend's blabbering. Draco was obviously uninterested. He slowly looked up to find a pair of emeralds on him. Harry nodded at Draco, he nodded back. He went back to eating his food.
           Harry and Malfoy had decided to be more civil this year. It was their last year at Hogwarts afterall. They'd meet up in private and talk about life. They had talked about almost everything. But the war was something they never talked about. Harry's words die in his throat when he mentions it. Actually, no one in Hogwarts mentioned the war. It almost felt illegal when someone mentioned the war. It was an untold rule to never mention the war. It had all been in the past.

" What was Pansy going on about in the morning?" Harry asked as they sat down on one of the hallways.
" Ahh.. it's nothing. Just Panse being Panse." Draco dismissed the topic. Harry only hummed in response. Harry knew from his tone that it had not been nothing. He didn't bother Draco on it. He didn't want to ruin whatever they had. Moreover, it must have been something too personal. Something that Harry shouldn't know about, otherwise, Draco would have already said it.
         Harry felt a chill wind hit his skin. He remembered the dementor's kiss. It was definitely scary. He quickly cast a patronus. He didn't know why but it always felt safe. Draco opened his mouth wide.
" You can do a Patronus charm?!"
" Erm..Yeah? "
" It's beautiful." Draco marvelled at the enormous stag infront of him. The stag circled in it's place and sat down infront of them.
" Can I touch it?" Draco turned into a literal child going to the zoo for the first time.
" Yeah. Sure." Harry smiled. Draco gently grazed his palm over the beast's forehead. The stag was alarmed at first but melted into the touch the next second.
" Why a stag ?" Draco asked without looking up at him.
" I don't know. It was not my choice. My father's animagus happened to be one. I like to think that's why." He explained. He remembered the time in the forbidden forest. The time when Severus had saved his arse.
" That's... a thoughtful conclusion." Draco smiled. Harry smiled back.
" What's your Patronus? I bet it's a ferret." Harry teased him , playfully shoving his side.
Draco snorted before replying. " I can't cast one." Harry's smile quickly faded.
" Have you ever tried?"
" Yes. But it didn't work."
" Maybe, I could help you." Harry offered with all his heart. He loved helping people. Especially people he loved.
" I- , wouldn't that be a problem for you?" Draco didn't want to burden him.
" I wouldn't offer it unless. Would I ?" Harry asked pointing his chin down.
" Erm.. alright then."
" Tomorrow. Same time. But at the ROR." Harry grinned. Draco felt as if he was staring directly at the sun.
" Great. See you then." A smile erected on his lips without his knowledge.
" Yeah. Good Night, Draco." Harry grinned even wider.
" Good Night, Potter." Draco watched as Potter and stag ran to the Gryffindor tower.

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