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Thank you for stopping by, everyone.

I enjoy writing reviews because they help me improve my writing skills. This is also where I have made quite a few new writing friends.

I tend to give feedback in the style of a GoodReads review. My reviews will tell you what about your story worked for me and what didn't. I'm not so much here to teach you how to "improve your writing" because I am still learning myself. However, I may recommend some resources that were helpful to me and might also benefit you. For example, if your dialogue mechanics are terrible, I won't teach you how to fix them, but I will recommend a good resource on improving them.

I have some credentials (an MA in Professional Writing). While I didn't major in creative writing--I wanted to, but could only be so much of a disappointment to my parents--I have received a lot of training in critiquing and giving feedback, and I do know a thing or two about writing. I still want you to take my advice with a grain of salt. But sometimes, I do actually know what I'm talking about, and I have the resources to back up whatever I say. 

I am offering short 250-500 word reviews of your story's first few chapters (probably one to three chapter reviews but might review more if I really like your work).

If you are interested in my services, please proceed to the form. Thank you.


Reviews by Rowan CarverWhere stories live. Discover now