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Day 1

Third person

"I've come to terms with something.. and I feel that something..." >
"That something is you! I've feel that we've got a stronger bond than any friendship I've had!" >
"Would you like to explore that with me?">

A terribly written middle school confession, it can count as cringe worthy. The dialogue appeared beneath a flustered (S/C) skinned girl with (H/C) (H/L) hair and beautiful glowing (E/C) irises. Chizue a side character who is the main protagonist newly made friend, she ask's the gender neutral protagonist out at the beginning of any of the love interests routes. It's also 2024, the fact the protagonist is gender neutral allows the game to reach more audiences?

Unlike her name 'long life' she is the first target of this so called Yandere love simulator.
With her name being a full on lie, she is therefore murdered on the second day of a chosen love interests route. The protagonist's friend goes missing for only bits and pieces of the girls body to be found throughout the story. Sickly twisted this game was a particular audience would always be attracted to it.

The screen flickered black, a power outage? "Seriously?" A female voice commented, pulling out her phone to light up her surroundings.
The phones torch revealed a similar looking girl to the one displayed perviously on the televisions screen. Unlike the girl on the screen she had messier bed hair, and darker lining eye bags.
"Now I'm gonna lose my save file" She threw the controller aside. 'Might as well check the fuse box, It might've been from mom plugging the rice cooker and toaster into the same out let again.' She concluded mentally.

"Mom!" She called, not even bothering to wait for a response and she continues "I'm checking the fuse box! Unplug the rice cooker!" 'Stupid cheap shop appliances' she grumbled mentally. She made her way towards the basement, trampling her way down the steps through the darken abyss. Her eyes brighten up at the sight of the fuse box that appears in her limited light source. Opening the metal box up she flicks afew switches, noting it had come from the kitchen. "Rice cooker." She mumbles, not surprised by the fact it had come from the rice cookers residence.

Atleast she could return to her game without disturbance. Crossing her fingers she hoping her save file weren't erased or corrupted from the outage. Once the lights flicked back on she slams the small box shut feeling proud of her accomplishments.

Upon descending the stair case she was mindlessly wondering through her head. The steps felt as if they were further than before. We're the stairs always this long? One misstep she felt her body drop- heart sinking drop.
Instead of feeling the aching pain of hitting the hard concrete surface, it feel more soothing and refreshing than anything. Is this how her life is gonna end? Over a damn fuse from the rice cooker? On a Sunday night aswell!! Sunday!


"Ahem, Miss Ai" The masculine voice boomed in her ears, as if it was coming from right beside her. Her grogginess overtook her, instead of forcing her eyes open she laid away against the hard surface. Plus her name isn't whatever this annoying 'pigeon' was cawing. 

"Miss Ai!" A quick snap of the hand the (H/C) girl jolted awake. "Ow!" She hissed holding her aching hand to her chest. The reaction provoked giggles and laughs from people around her. "Miss Ai, how dare you sleep in my class." Tired eyes found themselves unfocused on who had been speaking. "Sorry?" In the first moments of waking up from a nap your body is uncommunicative, or well you're uncooperative entirely.

"Right back to the lesson, stay awake next time." The blurry figure responded. Rubbing her eyes, her surroundings started to come in focus. Rows of desks, students and a black board? Her hands brushed against the cold wood she was sitting at. 'Wait.. what?' Taking another glance at the back of her hand, still red from the harsh slap taken to it. It left a square like mark. Firstly she doesn't attend school no more, not only that she graduated a year ago!
And her name isn't AI. "MISS AI SIT BACK DOWN, You're so troubling today!" She must've shot up in midst of her own brain war.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2023 ⏰

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