Entry 15 ~ The Mermaid, The White Rabbit, And A Glich in the Matrix

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Dear dairy....

Today I dreamt that me and my family were going to see the live action little mermaid, and I found you there were three endings, the first one is that the little mermaid dies like in the book, the second is the good ending which is the achual one in the film, and the final one is lost media! Then my Dad was going to take a shower, then the tub and him glitched and disappeared! WE WERE LIVING IN A MATRIX! And remember the white rabbit from last dream! I met him! He was really shy and really cute 😭😭😭😭😭 we are friends now :)


That's all for now!

See you soon!

(Also btw, i unpublished entry 16 because I handled VERY serious topics, and I kind of regret making an entry a one of my most scariest dreams and immortalizing it online, thank you for understanding)

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