Fats Poem

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Why did you leave me for her
Why were you planning to leave me for her
I loved you more than her
She doesn't care about you at all
She doesn't love you the way that I do

I was always deep within your mind
You were lonely
Oh so lonely
You couldn't make friends
You were too angry when they bullied you
You would hurt them

I wasn't there yet
Clawing out from the shadows
I would hit the wall
Find the switch
Control you
My voice replaced yours
I hated the way they hurt you 
I delt with them
You blamed me 
No one believed you
I still love you
Even though you fill me with rage

I got a vessel for you
So you could touch me
I could feel you
I couldn't touch you
You could make me talk
But I couldn't tell you my true feelings
I whispered it
You never caught it

I was always with you
But you loved her
So young you were
So young was she
It wasn't
I hate it

You made her a wooden heart
I hid it
It tortured you
You knew where it was
I poisoned your mind with doubt
Saying things that your bullies have said
I was your bully
The difference between me and them
You couldn't hurt me
Whether I was in my vessel
Or in your mind
You couldn't
I was helpless
I loved it
I felt SO special

How dare you
I manipulated you
I love you
Your suppose to love me back
I wanted to hear it
Even if it was fake
You were MY puppet

I gave you everything
Your little show was bad
I made it better
Your audience loved me more than you
Why couldn't you love me
like that and more

That man that wanted to help us grow
We both knew that our secret
Must stay hidden
You lied to me
I wanted us to be famous
Go to places we have never been before

You went back to her
Reliving old memories
Because our little fantasy life was
I only wanted it to be us

I thought it could work
I really did
Once she was in
You were going to cut me out
You know what happens to me when I get Jealous

The bad man came back
He was going to separate us
He made you shut me up
I didn't like that
His leaving
His going to separate us
He can't
I won't let him
I can't move
So I use you
Your my puppet
Even though you have your hand wrapped around my spine

His dead
Your girlfriend's husband
I want her to be next

Why wasn't she next
Why didn't you listen to me
Why do you love her more than me

My stomach hurts
Your stomach hurts
It's warm as it runs
Red is beautiful
Why are we growing cold
You crawled towards me
Is this really the only warm thing I get
Is this really how it ends
Is this how my love for you
My obsession
Is this how we end

Why wasn't she next
Why didn't you listen to me
Why do you love her more than me


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