Chapter 1: An Altered Destiny

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My name is Light Steve and I am the keep of light, you may know me by another name Shy Orange Steve I've discovered that's who I am supposed to be but that's not how things worked out in this reality due to different circumstances I became Light Steve, not Shy Orange, My name is Blue Steve you know me better as the Blue Leader.

The one who became the representative of my people after Soul Steve my friend..., was destroyed by Sabre, this version of me seems a bit happier and cooler honestly, being the leader of a civilization instead of being burdened by keeping the balance sounds a lot less stressful but anyways, as I sit at the edge of reality as it travels back into existence I can see everything the various universes the different Steve's.

I'm not the first Deep down I knew that my destiny wasn't to become Light Steve I'm glad In reality the main one it seems Shy was able to fulfill his role and become Light Steve, seems like he had a better experience than me let me tell you all about it it would be nice for someone to know how it all went through down I'm unsure of who will remember much of this reality once it rebuilds itself I think you understand how it all started but it has a twist let me take you back to the day Light Steve and the light crystal was created.

   ———————— 2 Years Earlier————————
Sabre had gotten Orange Steve to summon Me, Yellow Steve in a leather chest plate and Indigo Steve, he told us about the Light Crystal and his plans to create a new Steve that would help solve the darkness issue so he and Orange Steve could finish collecting the crystals and create the Hero.

So me and the Orange Steves, Yellow Steve, and Indigo all got into our positions while Shy got ready to fulfill his destiny and that's where the story shifts, HE came and ruined it all.

Lightning strikes the machine the energy of all Steve's transfers through the sparks of Redstone Shy Orange Steve's body slowly transforms into light Steve "I think it's working!!!" Sabre yells in excitement, a secondary lightning source can be heard from the right of everything, the Orange portal is opened and a dark figure steps out

"N-No no not here not now!" Sabre yells as Dark Steve walks down the portal stairs angry "You'll pay for what you have done Sabre" Dark Steve rises and summons huge fireballs and strikes on the machine causing an explosion and sending everyone flying back.

My eyes flicker as I try to lift my head and figure out what's going on, I look over to where the machine used to be and see nothing but a fiery crater
"Gah" I streak in pain as I carry my broken body my spiritual energy reforming back into the shape of my body parts.

Dark Steve walks over to Sabre's body and picks him up by his chest "This is what you get for tricking me Sabre" As Dark Steve is about to strike Sabre down Orange Steve tackles him and starts punching him across the face in anger yelling "You killed shy how dare you who do you think you are you son of a b-" Darkness summons around Orange Steve and grabs on to him he pulls out his sword and starts to battle them.

My vision finally recovers and can collect everything that is happening I run over to grab Sabres's unconscious body and dragged him over to Orange Steves's house spotting the others over there as well hurt "Is he alive?" yellow states as he helps Blue bring his body into the house away from the danger

"He seems to be unconscious but still alive, what about the others?" Yellow looks over to the others "They are just injured and dizzy but no one's hurt, is Shy Orange Steve ok?" Blue looks at Yellow with saddened eyes "He's in the middle world now...." Yellow Steve looks down in sadness "I have to go for now I need to go help Orange Steve" Blue Steve rushes out and sees Orange Steve fighting off the darkness with his crystal.

Blue looks over to where the machine and a light glow from the crater not from fire but something else, after realizing what this light was he runs over to it "It's still here we still have a chance" he jumps into the hole, and grabs the crystal he looks at it in awe before he can react again a darkness minion appears with him in the crater and grabs the crystal

In fear, Blue yells "No you will not destroy our only
Hope!!!" Blue squeeze the crystal tight and lightning strikes in the crater, Dark Steve looks over and runs to see what's going on he looks down to see a white Steve covered with every around him "What are you?!"

The light looks up to see Dark Steve glaring at him with fear and confusion "I am Light Steve the Keeper of Light" He floats above the crater and stares at Dark Steve directly in his face "And your time here has come to an end" he summons lightning purging the darkness from the area, Orange Steve dropping to the ground in exhaustion.

Dark Steve looks in fear as his darkness disappears "N-No you will not win!" Light summons a ball of energy into his hand "We will see about that" he pushes the energy onto dark Steve which flows around him teleporting him away "Thank the maker that worked but I don't feel go-"Light falls back into the crater and he passes out.

Chapter 1 end

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⏰ Última actualización: Jul 13, 2023 ⏰

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