Chapter Seven

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I woke up with a kink in my neck the sun blinding my eyes in pansy's bed. She had fallen asleep in my lap and I must have passed out like this at some point.

I stood up slowly stretching out my stiff body walking to the bathroom and I stared at myself in the mirror as I brushed my teeth, I looked a fucking mess.

I did most mornings waking up at this school, hungover, never well rested, my father would be ashamed.

I heard my phone beep a few times in the other room and went to go find it toothbrush still firmly clutched in my teeth.


Direct message 💌🦉

Draco Malfoy:
Get Pansy up, we're skipping class and going to the black lake. Be there in an hour.

Ines Auclair:
I don't think she's up to it. She had a rough night.

Draco Malfoy:
Well tell her to suck it the fuck up. I'm not asking Nez.

Ines Auclair:
Ines Auclair:
You should really ease up on her Dray...she likes you.

Draco Malfoy:
I know, she's my friend Ines you don't have to tell me how she feels, I'm not blind.

Ines Auclair:
Not blind, Just a dick then? Got it.

Draco Malfoy:
Give her more credit Nez, she's tough.
Draco Malfoy:
And What the fuck is up your ass today?

Ines Auclair:
Nothing. I'll see you in an hour.

Draco Malfoy:
You use to tell me shit you know. Like everything, now I have to hear about what's going on with you from other people or on your god damn socials. It's fucked up Nez.


I sighed closing my phone. He was right, I had been a shitty friend lately. I was so focused on Mattheo and trying to figure him out that my other friendships had struggled.

I'll talk to him at the lake.

"Pans...hunny...." I nudged her shoulder. She groaned squinting her eyes at me.

"The boys want us to cut class and go to the lake."

"Mmkay I'll get ready give me just a second." She hummed resting her arm across her eyes.

I looked at her surprised taking a seat next to her on the bed . "You want to go?"

She lifted her arm to look at me again. "Beats going to class hung over right?"

"Yeah I guess...Draco will be there, he's who invited me." I felt the need to warn her.

"he's usually the one who wrangles us all." She chuckled getting out of bed looking through her clothes.

"I just didn't know because of what you said last night if you needed time..." I said cautiously.

She turned to face me with a forced very fake smile as she grabbed a shirt "I'm fine Ines, I'm a big girl. I got drunk and said some dumb shit , it meant nothing Don't make it a big deal." Her tone harsher than normal.

"It just didn't seem like nothing..."

She turned to me sharper this time. "Look, I don't need you to sit here and analyze my feelings and relationships when you are completely inept at handling your own." She slammed the bathroom door in my face.

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