You're My Home (Larry Stylinson)

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Title: You’re My Home

Word Count: 5, 670


Harry never felt like he belonged anywhere. He always felt alone in a crowd. With his parents being split, he found it hard to believe in any kind of relationship. He felt as if everybody was going to betray him in one way or another. Therefore, Harry never allowed himself to get close to anybody.

Louis has trust issues. He felt as though everything he once had was taken away from him when his parents divorced. With his multiple siblings and a single mother, it was as if Louis had nothing to call his own.

Both boys never knew they were missing anything. Neither were looking for any missing piece. They just happened to stumble upon each other one day, and suddenly, it seemed as if they finally had somewhere they belonged.

*based off the song "You're My Home" by: Billy Joel*

Author’s Note: I was listening to the song one day and decided I wanted to write a one shot about it. It’s not quite what I wanted it to be, But I still hope you enjoy it.


Winter: A season of cold, dreary weather, and considerably the loneliest time of the year. Families gathered around, children enjoying snowball fights and building snow forts, everybody coming together in holiday joy, yet for those without families, or those who had no home, no job, it is the worst time of all.

Harry was walking home from a long day at the auto lot where he worked as an assistant at. He didn't quite like his job but he had to make money somehow. The cold air was nipping at his skin making it tight and dry. The walk isn't too far from the flat in which he resides, but on the night of Christmas Eve, the walk couldn't have felt any longer.

The holidays always brought a sense of loneliness with it for Harry. It never used to be this way, but times were forever changing and contact with loved ones seemed to be one of the many losses Harry has had the troublesome of encountering. When Harry moved out of his childhood home, out of his old neighbourhood, he didn't realise exactly everything he would be leaving behind. He just wanted to get out, to move on, to try and explore different boundaries and maybe even find some happiness along his journey; he never expected to lose even more than he already had.

Harry lost contact with all of his friends within the first couple of months. Then, he lost contact with his sister short afterwards. Finally, he no longer communicated with his mum. Harry didn't notice the transition while it was happening, but when he was reading on this very night exactly three years ago, he realised with a sudden start that it was Christmas Eve and he hadn't even been requested to return home. Harry never felt more lonely than in that moment.

Now, though, Harry never expects the call to come. He doesn't know what's going on in his family's lives anymore. They could all be dead and he still wouldn't know; though, he figures that somebody would call him if something that tragic happened. Then again, maybe not. He has been forgotten. Maybe everybody has just excluded him from their lives. Perhaps that is easier for them.

With a sigh, Harry shook his head. He shouldn't be thinking about them, especially not on Christmas Eve, not when thoughts of them make him sad. But he can't help it. He always thinks of them. He loves his family, and even if they choose to ignore him, he's going to continue to love them. Harry just wishes he knew why they were ignoring him. Everything had been going fine. He came out and his mum and sister accepted him right away. Sure, school life wasn't exactly the greatest time of Harry's life; and sure, Harry had lost a great portion of his friends, but some had stayed and Harry thought his life at home was okay. Maybe he wasn't the happiest kid to have, he reckoned, but nobody is exactly rainbows and sunshine when they feel like they don't belong.

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