Chapter 7 - Soft Touch 🔞

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"Babe..." Freen whispered. Becky was shaking in her sleep.

She lifted Becky up and cradled her.

"It's okay bb... your safe with me." Freen said softly removing a strand of hair stuck to her face.

"I have to go to work so just rest for a bit." Freen said letting go then Freen felt a hand on her wrist.

"D-don't go..." Becky cried.

"H-hey... it's okay I'm gonna be gone only for a few hours."


Freen sighed, "Do you wanna go with me? You can't move a lot though."

"I don't care... just let me go on your back..."

"I can't do that, the employees will see us."

"Just this once please..." Becky begged, her eyes were become teary.

"D-don't cry! I'll do it..." Freen sighed.

Becky smiled

Freen helped Becky get ready for work but it was a struggle since Becky kept flinching every time Freen accidentally touched one of her stitches.

"Stop moving Becky..."

"It's hurts!"

"Then stay home..."


Freen was annoyed by Becky's behavior but dealt with it since Freen couldn't help but love her.

"Then let's finish up, you just have to put in your socks!"

They got ready and Freen helped Becky to the car.

She started driving to work and Becky fell asleep.

"Such a little baby..." Freen chuckled.

They got to work and Free couldn't wake Becky so she just carried her on her back inside.

"G-good morning B..boss." The worker looked up to see a women on Freen's back.

She was surprised, the women known as a cold boss was carrying someone on her back.

"I-I will get to work!!" She walked away and entered the elevator.

"Tch! Lazy workers..." She growled.

Freen entered her personal elevator and pressed the last button.

The elevator reached the last floor and when everyone stood up to greet her they were all shocked.


She looked at their shocked faces, "What are you staring at? Go back to work!" She commanded.

Everyone rushed to their seat and tried to find something to do.

She rolled her eyes and went into her office.

Immediately after everyone started to talk,

"Who was that!?"

"I'm asking the same thing!"

"It has to be a girl, by the way they dress and their hair..."

"Wait where is Becky?"

"Yeah where is she isn't she supposed to be he- oh my god."





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