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Before you read this story, I would like to say that updates will be really slow on this story. I have a very busy life especially with college which often drains me and causes me to go into phases where I quite literally can't be bothered to do anything. And I also have a tonne of writer's block since I'm not into writing as much as I used to be. But, I will try my best to update this story as much as I can. 


Wylan shut the door before making his way down the stairs. He set his bag down on the table that sat in front of him and looked at all the vials that were sprawled all over said table.

"Wylan,"  a voice called. Wylan jumped and turned his head quickly towards the voice. The figure was none other than Kaz Brekker.

"You're alive," Wylan said before he huffed out a relieved breath. Kaz Brekker stood before him with both hands on his cane staring at Wylan.

"Thanks in part to you," Kaz replied, a rare smirk appearing on his face as he limped towards Wylan who stood by the table.

"Stadwatch are after you," Wylan proclaimed, taking a few steps toward Kaz.

"How much phosphorus did you pack into that flash bomb?" Kaz asked, lifting his eyebrow.

"The escape option against the Darkling?" Wylan questioned. "Did you need it? Was it enough?"

"Nearly," Kaz answered. The pair stayed in silence for a moment before Kaz spoke again. "I need you to make a new package for me."

"Uh... You said that was a one-time thing..." Wylan replied, fiddling with his fingers and looking down at the floor. "Not a real step into your world." He paused before he spoke again, "I was strapped at the time."

"And now?" Kaz asked, watching Wylan intently. He was looking at the vials that sat on the table, avoiding eye contact with Kaz as much as he could. "When was the last time you ate?" Kaz asked, glancing at the boy . He looked him up and down before touching one of the bottles with his gloved hand.

"Don't- don't touch that specific bottle," Wylan ordered quietly. He stumbled on his words for a moment before he said, "You'll be itching for days."

Kaz raised his eyebrow before he brushed his hands off on his coat. "So, will you make that package for me or not?" he asked.

"Uh... yes- yes, I will..." Wylan stammered. Kaz's lips curled slightly upward which was his way of saying 'Thank you'. He handed Wylan a small piece of paper with the things that he required from him. "I'll get it done by tomorrow evening."

"Lovely," Kaz replied.


A couple of days later, Wylan opened the front door of the Van Eck mansion and set his bag down next to all of the shoes. He then took own his shoes off and set them down next to his bag. He made his way silently towards the staircase that lead up to his bedroom. "Wylan," his father's voice called from down the hall. He was standing just outside his office. "Could you come here, please?" Wylan cocked his eyebrow at his father but despite this, he made his way towards his father's office.

"Yes, Father?" Wylan spoke, standing in front of his father's desk. Van Eck said nothing in response but he handed Wylan an envelope with his name sprawled on the front. "What's this?"

"Enrollment papers Belendt to study music as you wanted," Van Eck replied. "The boat leaves tomorrow at 1900 tomorrow. You better start packing."

"Oh, wow," Wylan said, looking at the envelope that he now held in his hands. "Thank you." He added. He said nothing else and left his father's office. Wylan walked upstairs and saw Alys - his stepmothe. Her stomach looked about ready to pop with Wylan's new step-sibling. "Goodnight, Alys," Wylan said with a small smile.

"Good night, dear" She replied with a warm grin. Wylan didn't mind Alys. He thought that she was a nice lady. He didn't like his father as much. He'd always treated him with the least respect. Alys was more of a humble woman. She was a young lady. Jan Van Eck had started to date her rather soon after Wylan's mother's funeral. Wylan didn't dislike her. She treated him with more respect than his father had ever given him added up in all his life which was really saying something.


Yes, the whole first scene was pretty much copied from the script. Hope you guys enjoy the first chapter(the one after this)

Always remember, Kazzle Dazzle


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