Important Information

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I'm all about creating visibility for black writers on Wattpad and for that reason, I will be taking requests to read and review books. The requests can be for your own book or a book you've read and enjoyed. DM me for requests or comment them below.

Please note your book must be completed to be featured on here. If your book isn't completed and you still want me to check it out, I will still do so.

Also, the book rating system I'll be using is the GOODREADS 5-Star system.  The least amount of stars I can give a book is 3 and the most is 5. The reason I can't rate or review books lower than that is because it would look like I'm bashing your book, and that isn't the aim of my reviews.

Please allow a grace period after sending your book suggestions, because I'll need to first read them.

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