Chapter Five

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The week dragged on and it felt like ages before it was Friday. I collapsed onto my bed with a huff after finishing my final class of the day.

Daphne and Pansy poked their head out of the bathroom. "Get dressed bitch we're going out." Pansy announced as she smudged on some eyeliner.

"Going out where?" I asked confused and a bit exhausted staring up at her from my mattress.

"Hogsmeade, we're Shopping and then meeting the boys for drinks after." Daphne said walking over to the window seat to put on her shoes.

"I don't know guys I'm pretty beat..." I replied petting spooks on my chest.

"What? No, you have to come!" Pansy whined emerging from of the bathroom. She stared at me with puppy eyes and I finally caved. I sighed standing up taking off my robes and she clapped enthusiastically.

I looked at the other girls to get an idea of what to wear so I wasn't over or under dressed. Cute but casual seems to be what we were going for so I settled on a tight black crop top, loose fit jeans cuffed at the bottom and my doc Marten boots.

I followed the girls down a long winding path and watched the castle fade the closer we got to the small quaint town.

They showed me around all the stores and we all bought a few things. I noticed a ring in one of the shops and heavily considered getting it. It was a delicate double band gold ring with a small white stoned butterfly. My mother has always called me her petite papillon, and since then butterflies have always been my thing.

"Pretty! Very you, you should get it!" Pansy said as I looked down at the ring

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"Pretty! Very you, you should get it!" Pansy said as I looked down at the ring.

"Maybe, I've already spent so much...but I do love it." I pondered the decision.

"If you love it then definitely you need it." Daphne chimed in walking over to us.

"I'll think about it and If I still want it when we're done I'll come get it after we go meet the boys."

We continued shopping and bonding and the sun started to set on our evening. We headed over towards the pub and I still hadn't gotten the ring off my mind.

"Oh look there are the guys!" Pansy said pointing down the cobblestone road towards the three broomsticks.

I looked seeing them joking and pushing each other around. My eyes flicked to each of their faces noticing one was missing, and I was a little disappointed.

"Where the hell is Mattheo?!he better not have bailed" Pansy said as we approached the group.

I was glad someone else asked so I didn't have to be the one to bring it up, or worse sit and wonder all night where he was.

"He's here somewhere, he wandered off and said he had to do something and he would meet us in there." Theo responded holding open the pub doors. He tilting his head looking at Daphne's ass as she walked in.

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