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Gonan couldn't help but notice that Mirai was suffering from quite a few nightmares. It wasn't exactly uncommon, not in the slightest, as she had learnt during these past few months training with her future self. However, she was concerned with what she had overheard Mirai mumbling in her sleep. It was almost always the same.

Mirai seemed forever tormented by her enemies, be it the androids or Cell himself. But she's also always mentioning Gohan, or like she was talking to him. And it left Gonan wondering even more, though she had a hunch that she already knew the answer to one of her biggest concerns.

Why hadn't Gohan come with Mirai to the past? Why was it only her and Trunks?

What happened to Mirai's twin?

She feels that she already knows the answer, and she dreads to be right.

"Uh, Mirai?"


Gonan took a deep breath as she poked around at the food on her plate. This probably wasn't a conversation to be having over breakfast, but she just couldn't wait any longer. "Is your Gohan dead?"

The sharp intake of breath was deafening in the near-eternal silence of the Room of Spirit and Time. And, really, it was all the answer she needed, if she was being honest. Gonan wasn't dumb, she could put context clues together. She could come to her own conclusions. Really, she should've known as soon as Mirai hesitated to tell her how and why Trunks had first transformed into a Super Saiyan. Everyone else was already dead by then, and Trunks had no other connections to anyone aside from his mother, but Mirai had spoken about Bulma as if she were still around, and she was clearly the one who made the time machine. Gohan was really the only other option.

"I... I guess there's no hiding it. Yes, he... he's dead."

"I thought so... How... How long has it been since...?"

"It's been a few years..." Mirai shakes her head lightly, setting down her chopsticks. She doesn't blame her for losing her appetite. "It doesn't matter when it happened, it won't be the same in this timeline. No matter the outcome of the Cell Games."

Gonan takes a glance at Mirai, seeing that her gaze was directed at her own plate like Gonan's was before. The bags under her eyes are all the more prominent as Mirai's gaze seems unfocused, stuck in the past it seems. Suddenly, that gaze meets hers and she can't help but tense up.

Mirai sighs.

"Look, kid, I..." she takes a breath and fiddles with her chopsticks, twisting it between her fingers. "I know that technically, we're the same person. We're both Gonan. And I know that... that I'm not the easiest person to be around. I'm pessimistic a lot of the time, and that's probably scary for you to see how I've turned out... But, while we are both Gonan, you're not me, and you're not going to be me. I may be your future self, but I'm not... your future self... Ugh, this isn't making much sense, is it?"

Gonan gives her a small smile, "No, I get it. It's confusing, but I understand. Because the timeline's events have changed, yeah? I mean, you didn't have the Cell Games. You didn't even have Cell yet. Time travel is really confusing, huh?"

"Oh, time travel is the worst, apparently."

Both girls giggle slightly at the statement and the exasperation in Mirai's voice.

"I'm glad you came, though, as rough as it is. I'm sure we'll get through this. And then, after all this training we're doing, you'll definitely have enough power to defeat your androids in your time. Then, you guys can start rebuilding!"

A grim smile finds its place on Mirai's face. "Yeah. Yeah, then we can start rebuilding..."

There's a silence that lingers for a while until Mirai stands up and gathers her dishes. "Well, we'd better get back to that training if we want to get there!"

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