Chapter 1.) Don't Leave Me

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The excruciating pain of realizing Shiro was gone. It was worse than any pain Keith had ever experienced before. And once the black lion had chosen him to replace Shiro, that's when he just broke.

Once he'd been chose he remembered going to cry in his room for the first time in a while. It went on for a few hours until he just stopped. His face still. He figured since he was the leader now he needed to get over it. He'd grieved before, he'd just have to do it again. It should've been easier, right?

And so, Keith took on the new responsibilities given as he was the leader now. Just the thought of replacing Shiro made him was to hurl but he couldn't. He needed to be a great leader just like Shiro.

Days passed of sleepless nights. Keith hadn't been eating either and no one else tried to help.

He was truly alone.


After a long day Keith was making his way to his room. His body felt like it was on fire though and his vision was blurred by tears that threatened to spill. He was tired.

Speaking hurt. Walking hurt. Breathing hurt.

He hated having to speak with Allura to plan missions. Allura and her disgust towards Galra only made it even harder for Keith to be the pilot of the black lion. She made sure he knew that she didn't believe he was fit to be the leader. She'd mention it slyly at least several times every time they met. Keith, in their first few meetings, would confront her about her words but realized nothing would change. Now he just kept quiet.

His legs wobbled as he made his way through the hall. Why couldn't anyone see that he-

"Mullet?" The familiar voice made him shudder. He looked up and stopped in place. He swayed side to side. Balance seemed unfamiliar at the moment.

Lance hadn't been the kindest to Keith ever since he'd been chosen as the black lion's pilot. He knew why of course. It made Lance feel like he was less. He couldn't wrap his brain around why Keith had been chosen and not himself, so, because of this Lance of course had teased Keith more often leading to a more closed off Keith.

Violet watery eyes were still as they gazed at Lance. He wanted to say something but he couldn't muster up the energy at the moment. "Hey, buddy.. You uh- You don't look so good." Lance stated the obvious, only out of concern. Suddenly there was a wave of dizziness that hit the other. "What? Is being the leader that hard for you?" Lance laughed a bit now being the usual tease he was. Keith who'd usually fight back just stood, barely. Lance noticed and another wave of concern came over him. "Are.. Are you okay?" He took a step forward. Keith went on to nod but as he did so he stumbled forward and towards to floor. Lance took another step forward acting quicker this time. He had caught Keith who was unconscious in his arms. The warmth that came from Keith was intense.

"Mullet..?" Lance couldn't believe that Keith had just passed out. "Hey, mullet?" The brunette sighed and with no response he took Keith into a more practical hold. He carried Keith into his room without another word.

He walked over to his bed and placed him down. He lifted the sheets up and over Keith who's expression seemed pained. Lance tried his best to ignore. With that he turned to make leave but stopped when he heard Keith beg. "Don't leave me.. Please, don't... leave me." Lance ever so slowly turned his head to the other, his eyes wide, surprised by the desperation in Keith's voice. Lance didn't think he'd ever hear Keith sound this pleading.

The brunette walked back over to Keith who laid unconscious. "Don't... go.... Don't.." Lance's eyebrows furrowed to the painful sound. He knelt down to face Keith who cried in his sleep. "Shh, it's okay. I'm not going to leave you." Lance tried to calm him as he caressed his face. As he did he gently tucked hair that laid on his face behind his ear. The begging stopped but the crying continued.

Lance looked to the door and then back at Keith. 'This idiot.. He must be overworking himself.' He felt the heat as his hand laid over his forehead. 'I really should go but I can't leave him like this.. Crap...' Lance stood up and got onto Keith's bed laying next to him over the sheets the other laid under. The brunette took Keith into an embrace very slowly not wanting to wake him.
"Shh.." Keith's face was laid up against Lance's neck, Lance's shoulder catching all of Keith's tears until there were no more. Lance peered down and realized that Keith was no longer crying. This made Lance smile genuinely. After a few moments Lance escaped the embrace and tiptoed out of the dark room.

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