Voldemort's Mistake

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© Copyrighted 2015

Hope you enjoy :)

It was Halloween, a favorite holiday for Frank Longbottom. Decorations were hanging throughout his protected house. From carved pumpkins in each room to streamers of black and orange hanging from the ceiling.

The cry of his one-year-old son, Neville, awoke him from his day dreaming. Frank walked into the kitchen and found his wife, Alice, trying to feed the youngster dry cereal, but to no avail. Frank smirked as he watched his wife struggle with Neville, amused.

Alice, noticing her husband's amusement out if the corner of her brown eyes, sighed, signaling her husband that now is not the time to act smug.

Frank quickly realized that Alice had caught him staring; and decided that he, himself, should take over the job. He walked over, gingerly took the bowl of cereal out of his wife's soft and delicate hands, and attempted to feed his son.

Neville, however, would not take it. He thought that his father was playing a game. In his young mind, this "keep away" game was his favorite, which his parents learned when they first fed him the cereal.

"Now, now, Neville, I shall make you a deal. If you eat ten pieces of this wonderful food you so graciously give me, you can have three pieces of your Halloween candy Dumbledore bestowed upon us. How does that sound?" Frank desperately attempted to get his son to eat a little of the dry cereal.

At the sound of candy, the one year old baby made sounds of delight while clapping his chubby hands together. Frank chuckled to himself, and fed his child, who was now eating it willingly, his cereal.

At that precise moment Alice Longbottom reentered the kitchen to see her husband successfully feeding their son cereal. "How did you do that, Frank?" Alice asked Frank in bewilderment.

The man sighed. "It was not easy, Alice; so I merely struck a bargain. Mind handing me three chocolates?" Frank asked his wife.

"Ah, I see." Alice let a smug look take over her features. She knew there had to be a catch with candy involved, otherwise she could have fed Neville asparagus, his least favorite food, as long as she promised his candy.

When their Neville was done with his piece of chocolate his father promised him, he squealed happily and slapped his highchair's plastic table enthusiastically.

"No, sweetheart, you can't have anymore. Let's save some for tomorrow's scavenger hunt, eh? Your big pals Peter and Sirius are coming over to help you find them!" Alice told her illiterate son in a cooing voice. Neville squealed again, and was lifted out of his white chair by his father, who held him lovingly.

"You're going to be a fine, young man." Frank whispered to his bubbly son, and he brought his heir closer to his chest and held him closer.

Alice was watching the scene unfold, while cleaning Neville's highchair and table, with teary eyes. She knew Frank loved his son with all his heart, and moments like these made her remember that, no matter how cruel it gets, that there is still love in the world.

Suddenly, there was a sound that broke the Longbottoms' comfortable silence, and Frank only had just enough time to kiss his only son on his forehead before he witnessed his wife scream and fall to the ground, dead.

Frank cried out, but knew he could bot do anything. He ran to the other side of the small cottage, his crying son still in his trembling arms. Frank knew he could not apparate, for there was a spell upon the house that made it so.

Before he could grab his wand from the countertop a few yards to the right of him, one of his worst fears emerged. Voldemort, his slits of his nose and his slithering feet walking menacingly closer and closer to him.

Frank swiped his son behind his back in an effort to shield him. "NYou will not touch my son without getting through me!" He tried to intimidate the intruder futilely. The snake-like man laughed, not a trace of regret nor sorrow hinting to come out of him.

"Give me your son, you fool. And I shall spare your life!" Frank knew he was lying, and either way Frank would be dead if he gave Voldemort his son. And even if he did stick by his promise, Frank wouldn't have the mental stability to move on.


"Suit yourself, Avada Kedavra!" And, just like that, baby Neville Longbottom witnessed both of his parents sacrifice themselves, for his sake, for love.
The poor, innocent child was
screaming for his daddy to wake up, but the lifeless body of Frank Longbottom would not get up and laugh at the silky joke Neville thought he was playing.

Voldemort looked at his enemy with hate and pride, knowing he was now able to kill the young infant without anymore worries. He chanted the killing curse loudly, for the last time.

For even the most darkest wizard of his Age was unable to predict the future,
That the love from his parents could save him,
That his rival would grow up with his grandmother, meet his counterpart, Harry James Potter,

and save future generations,

Who would hear the great legacies and deeds Neville had accomplished in his lifetime, but not be told of the suffering he went through.

Finished September 29, 2015

Voldemort's MistakeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora