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James Potter is kissing Lily Evans.
It's filling me with rage, so much rage.
I need to do something, get some revenge.
I don't even think.
I walk over to Barty and Evan.
I used to have a thing for Barty.
Who wouldn't? He's tall, he's got dark hair, he's a bit lanky but that's not an issue, he's got a nice build, he's funny, kinda edgy, he's attractive.
"My next actions have zero meaning, I'm doing this for petty purposes" that's what I say to Barty before I grab his face and kiss him.
I kiss him long enough for someone to notice, and I'm hoping someone is James.
I finally pull away and Barty seems uncommonly nonchalant about the whole thing, however, Evan looks unusually pissed off "what the fuck was that for?" Asks Evan
"Calm it, Rosier, it's to make someone jealous" Barty replies, a smug smirk on his face
"Who's he trying to make jealous? and how's he doing that snogging you?" Asks Evan
"Jealous much?" I chime in, Evan rolls his eyes at me "besides, you might find out who I'm trying to make jealous, you might not, but I'm sure as hell not gonna tell you" I add
In that moment, I catch a glimpse of James Potter, he's storming out of the Slytherin common room. I don't even think, I follow him.
I too exit the common room and expect to be led to the Gryffindor common room, but I'm surprised when we pass it. Then I realise what direction he's taking and I know exactly where he's going.
The Astronomy Tower.
I eventually catch up with him and when I do he's stood at the edge of the tower, staring at the sky, almost like he's waiting. Did he expect me to follow?
Maybe he did, maybe I'm over my head.
James turns around and almost starts at the sight of me. "Nice stunt" James comments bitterly
"I could say the same to you" I reply, my tone just as bitter
"I didn't want that"
"Cut the bullshit, James, you've been pining for that girl for years, even I know that"
"She kissed me, she was drunk, she regretted it, she left, I didn't start it, I didn't want it"
"Right sure"
"Barty Crouch? Really?"
"What's wrong with Barty? He's attractive. Why does it bother you so much?"
James scoffs "why does it bother me?"
"Is there an echo in here?"
"It bothers me because I don't like seeing you kiss other people, I don't like knowing that other people get to experience you"
"I don't belong to you, James"
"I know, that's the problem"
"I like that I've kissed you, that I've touched you, that I've experienced you, but I want to be the only one"
"That's a shame isn't it, considering I'm not yours"
James paces back and forth, running a stressed hand through his hair "what do you want me to do, Regulus?" Asks James
"How do I make you mine?"
"You cannot be serious"
What does he mean? What does he want? Why is he all over the place? The other day he only wanted to mess around with me and now he wants me to belong to him? I don't understand this boy, I want to understand him, I want a lot from him, but I don't want to give into him too easily.
Maybe I do.
Maybe I need self control
"I'm 100% serious, I can't get enough of you, Regulus, I need you, I burn for you. I don't know when this started and I don't know why, all I know is that I want you to be mine, I know I've become possessive"
"What changed your tune? The other day you just wanted a shag and now you want me?"
"I don't know either, Regulus, I'm just as confused as you are, I just know I want you"
He walks over to me.
God he looks good in that flannel and those jeans. I have literally zero willpower, I'm ready to fold for this man, I'll try and hold myself together but I know my limits and my weaknesses.
He lifts my chin with his forefinger.
Lord have mercy.
I look into his eyes, so deep, so full. Green may very well be my new favourite colour.
"I want you, Regulus" says James
His face is so close, I can feel his breath on my face. So close I could kiss him. I might just kiss him. Who's stopping me really? I shouldn't kiss him, it would be a bad idea to. Or would it?
"Come on, use your words, Pretty Boy, tell me what you want"
Fuck. How am I supposed to function normally when he speaks to me like that? How can I not fold when he talks like that?
"I want you"
"Good Boy, that's what I thought"
Lord forgive me, I am about to sin.
James kisses me, passionately at that. He grabs at my waist like he's scared I might run away or disappear. He pulls me closer and closer until we're almost one body, almost as though he fears we aren't close enough.
"I need you" James whispers into my ear. That small whisper, those small sounds send electric shocks through my body, causing me to shiver.
"I need you too" I reply
"You're mine, remember that" says James
"I'm yours" I reply as he trails his kisses down from my lips to my neck and my collar bone.
He removes my shirt so I remove his flannel and his shirt. I kiss his neck, his collar bone, his chest, his stomach. I move all the way down to his waistline. I lick along the waistline of his jeans before kissing all the way back up his stomach, his chest, his jawline all the way back to his lips.
Afterward, we lay on the floor of the astronomy tower together. I lean in closer to him and cuddle into him, he doesn't flinch, he doesn't move away. Instead he wraps his arm around me and places a kiss on my forehead.
Two days later, I can't stop thinking about the night in the astronomy tower. I haven't been able to see James since, we've both been busy and today I have a full day of lessons.
Maybe I'll see him later.
I head to charms with Barty and Evan, but Evan still seems to be pissed off at me. "Ev, are we good?" I ask, deciding that I'd really prefer to clear the air than for him to stay mad at me.
"Just peachy" Evan replies in a clipped tone.
"Evan's mad because you got a taste of me before he did" Barty smirks
"Oh fuck off the both of you" Evan says, storming off ahead of us.
I decide to leave it.
"Today you will be learning the art of the patrificus totalus spell" announces Professor Flitwick "Now, can anyone explain to me what the patrificus totalus spell does?" Asks Professor Flitwick.
Without thinking, I raise my hand "Ah, yes, Regulus" says Flitwick
I stare blankly at him for a moment, not realising that I had to answer the question. "Erm, the spell essentially paralyzes someone, but only for a short period of time, it's not permanent, it just freezes up their body, meaning they're unable to move until the spell wears off" I explain
"Wonderful! Now, all you have to do is ready your wand and sharply direct your wand in the direction of your target whilst clearly stating the words 'patrifucus totalus', without the spell and the wand movements, you will not get your desired outcome" Flitwick explains.
He then demonstrates for us on a dummy that he had enchanted to move before momentarily paralysing it.
"I have a dummy for each and every one of you, you will all be spending the rest of this lesson practicing this spell" Flitwick announces before assigning a dummy to each of us. The class get's on with their task, with people struggling and other people gettinf the hang of it rather quickly.
I myself manage to perfect the spell within four tries. After a while I was getting bored, which is why I was so relieved when the lesson finally came to an end.
Evan did not walk with Barty and I to transfiguration, he was still mad at me.
"So, who were you trying to impress? Because I have my suspicions" Barty asks
"I didn't take you as one to care, Barty" I reply
"I don't, I'm just nosy"
"Well, who do you suspect it was?"
"James Potter"
"Why do you think that?"
"Because he followed you out and then I didn't see either one of you until you snuck back in the early hours of the morning, I can only assume you were doing unholy acts with James Potter"
"I wasn't doing anything unholy!" I lied, I was definitely, definitely doing unholy acts, but Barty doesn't need to know that.
"Sure you weren't" Barty comments, unconvinced. "So it was Potter"
"I never said that"
"You never denied it"
"Well, you'll just have to stay in the dark for a bit longer, because I'm not ready to tell you yet"
"Don't blue ball me like that"
"You're smart, figure it out"
Barty said nothing else as we entered our transfiguration class, waiting to see what Professor McGonnogall had in store for us today.
"Today you will be learning how to turn pin cushions into porcupines. Now, this is the same spell as turning animals into water goblets, but this time it requires more focus. After all, you are creating an inanimate object into a living creature, it's not as easy as turning the animal into the inanimate object. Can anyone remember the spell used for turning animals into water goblets?" Asks Professor McGonnogall
"Yes, Evan" states McGonngoall
"Feriverto" Evan replies
"Very good, Mr Rosier, five points to Slytherin. Now, remember it's a circular flick of the wrist motion as you are saying the spell, make sure to concentrate and imagine what you want the pin cushion to transfigure into, speak clearly too,  if the spell is not cast correctly you will be faced with many challenges" McGonnogall explains.
We were all given a pin cushion each to practice with. Soon enough my pin cushion had been turned into a porcupine and I had time to myself to think. All I could think about was James Potter and especially about last night.
The way he spoke to me, the way he kissed me, the way he touched me, the way he made me feel. That boy is euphoric and I both love and hate it. I love it because I get to experience it, and I hate it because I shouldn't feel this way about my brother's best friend. I shouldn't feel this way about James, but it feels so good to do something so wrong.
If half the people in my house knew about this...relationship, I'd practically be a deadman walking so this would need to be a secret regardless. But sneaking around is so fun, so exhilarating, I do love it.
Eventually, lunch time rolls around and I rush to rhe great hall in the hopes of seeing James. I sit down at the Slytherin table and eventually I catch sight of him. There he is, James Potter, sat laughing with his friends. His smile is adorable. I love the way his head flies back when he laughs, like he's erupting with pure joy. I love the smile that lingers on his face and the light in his eyes that he gets when he's listening to one of his friends talk to him. I adore how animated he gets when he talks, especially when he's telling a story. I spend a fair bit of time watching James. That's when the realisation hits me like a truck.
I'm falling for James freaking Potter and I'm falling hard


Hello there my lovelies!!

It's been a hot minute but here is yet another chapter with angst, steam, magic and realisation. Our Reggie is finally acknowledging his feelings bless him! Anyways, see yous in the next chapter! Have the most wonderful day!

I love you all!
Stay wonderful!

All my everlasting love,

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