Faith In The Afterlife

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"Hey! Watch where you're going!"


"Godammit! I just fixed that!


"Ahh! My new shihakusho!"


"What's goi— Ahh! W-What the hell are you doing back already?"

A young man with shoulder-length brown hair and light grey eyes turned. He wore the regular shinigami shihakusho underneath the standard researcher's robe. On his waist was a blue and black sword that tucked underneath his researcher's robe. A small black butterfly tattoo peeked out from behind his neck. The young man cringed and saw the path of destruction he just left. He raised his hand as he continued to run forward and gave everyone behind him an apologetic face.

"Sorry! I'll fix that when I get back, but I really need to see someone right now! Sorry!" He shouted, flash-stepping out of the Shinigami Research and Development Institute.

Akon ran out of the institute and looked out in the far distance in the direction where the young boy disappeared off to. He sighed and looked back into the building where the floors were covered with broken glass and papers. He saw the other researchers pick up the mess, muttering to themselves.

"Captain Kurotsuchi is going to have your head when he gets back. You're already in enough trouble, Kanji..." Akon sighed and shook his head, looking back over the Seireitei, looking for the young man in vain.

As he left the Shinigami Research and Development Institute, Kanji laughed and flipped in the air as he continued to shunpo across the shining rooftops of the Seireitei. He looked ahead of him and saw the 6th division headquarters in the near distance. A wide grin spread across his face as he flash-stepped even faster to his destination.

~At the 6th Division Barracks- Main Office~

"Ginjiro, you may take this pile of papers. Have another officer send them to Squadron 1 barracks promptly." A deep silky voice said.

The lieutenant of Squad 6, Ginjiro Shirogane, turned from his own paperwork on his desk to look up at his captain. His gaze fell on a handsome man who looked to be in his mid-20s who was writing something down on a tan piece of paper. He had long black silky hair that had its bangs pulled back by a pearly white kenseikan, indicating his nobility status. Wearing his standard captain's uniform, Ginjiro's captain wore the distinguishable Kuchiki heirloom scarf to set him apart from the other Gotei 13 captains. As Ginjiro continued to examine his captain, he noticed that he had very pale skin that contrasted greatly with his dark grey eyes. This man was the great Byakuya Kuchiki, captain of the 6th Squadron of the Gotei 13 and the head of the Kuchiki noble house.

Byakuya, sensing Ginjiro's eyes on him, sighed and said, without looking up from what he was writing, "Ginjiro, I do believe, after all your years of service under me, that it is safe to say that you of all people should know how much I loathe repeating myself, or am I wrong to assume that?"

Embarrassed, Ginjiro immediately stood up and bowed. "Forgive me, captain. I haven't been getting a lot of sleep lately. I'll get those papers out of your way."

Ginjiro hurriedly walked over to the far corner of Byakuya's desk and picked up the small pile of paper. As he picked up all the papers, his view settled on another person in the room. It was a young girl, who seemed to be sitting on a chair next to the nearby window. She had pale porcelain skin, shoulder length raven black hair and dark purple eyes with a hint of blue in them. She had one single bang that trailed between her eyes. Ginjiro watched her for a few seconds, observing the solemn look on her face as she gazed out of the window. He had completely forgotten that she was there.

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