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Nda : this does not follow the exact storyline, so dont get confused !
This story is basically some days after kunigami's return from the wild card, after the U20.

Chigiri looked at himself a last time in the mirror. His red hair were falling on his eyes, it was kinda annoying, but he now got used to it. He turned around to check his outfit again. In fact it was pretty simple, a random black short and some oversized shirt he found in the closet.
He wasn't the type to dress randomly, but he wasn't really in the mood today.

"You look breath taking princess, can we just go now ?" A purple head sighted.

Chigiri didn't reply but he let a little smile take place on his face as he walked out of the bathroom, leaving reo leaning on it's door.

The purple head smiles too and follows the other around.

"We're like five minutes late"

"Oups, my bad" chigiri said in a sarcastic tone, being his annoying self.

"I get why kunigami left you" reo said, rolling his eyes.

Hearing that, People might think reo was a mean bully joking about things he shouldn't be joking about. But actually, the two were used to joke about each other's traumas and breakups.

"At least i was the one getting the princess treatment, nagi was the one getting it and he still left" chigiri said, laughing. He knew that, joking aside, it probably hurted the purple's feelings, and it hurted his own feelings too, but they were totally chill about it. They both came to the agreement that this topic was absolutely something to joke about. Simply because it was that ridiculous.

"Yeah whatever, Let's just go" reo rolled his eyes, getting out of the dorm. Chigiri quickly followed him. He was ready to go on that damn trip.

Ego, finally had the kindness to think about those poor teenagers mental health, and decided it would be a good idea sending them to a nearby island.

Obviously, it was a good one.

"Finally! Reo and missy are here, we can go"

"Dont call me that, stupid" chigiri looked annoyed.

"Dont call me stupid then, we re not friends missy"

"Ya zantetsu, leave him alone" reo said, brightly smiling to his old teammate. "Missy is not in the mood.." he whispered in a joking tone.

Chigiri just rolled his eyes at the childish action then eyed all the people in the room. There was some foreign faces but he kind of knew everyone.

Basically, all the people in blue lock are going to this trip, and they can't possibly go in one bus. So they were separated into two groups. And luckily, cherry head found his People in his group.

"Aaaay Chigirii !!!" An energetic voice started, almost jumping on the red haired. "We are reunited again !! I saw isagi and kunigami earlier !"

Chigiri smiled, turning around to face bachira. Out of the four, he was the one who changed the less. Over time, he remained faithful to his cheerfull childish personality.

"Your eyes got bigger !" Bachira giggled as he lugs his friend around the room, looking for the two others.

"Thank you.." chigiri decided to take it as a compliment.

After crossing half the crowded room, chigiri finally recognised what seemed to be his friends.

One of them was sitting cross-legged on the floor, a nearly bursting back-pack in his hand. He had that same familiar face that just weirdly felt like home. Next to him stood an imposing build, bright orange eyes but all chigiri could see in them was darkness, it is how it became.

Isagi smiled when he noticed who bachira was holding.

"Princess ! Its been a while.." he said in an excited voice, and as if that nick-name caused an electric chock to the hero, he raised his head to confirm his thoughts.

And then their eyes met, as they always did. They somehow always found a way to eachother. But the wild card took away the hero's loving gaze, all chigiri could feel on him was now a careless look.

"Yeah,mega mind.. its been a while.." he smiled back at the dark blue haired.

"Yah, take off the poker face with us hero, we know you more than that.." bachira laughed, laying to pick up his bag.

"I dont call myself that anymore." Kunigami said, no emotion crossed his face.

Chigiri eyed his old mate. Tons of memories scrolled throught his head but he decided for his own good to ignore them all and just look away as he
unconsciously began to wrap his hair around his finger. It was a habit he had when he felt nervous.

"Okay guys Let's Go !" A manly voice called.

"Hehe ! Cant wait to score against you on the beach !" Bachira giggled as he jokingly hit isagi. They were walking slightly ahead, leaving the two others behind. Chigiri wasn't looking at kunigami, and he could tell the other wasn't either. But something in the air made them feel trapped in an imaginary space, just the two of them. It's like they wanted to talk whatever they had out, but they couldn't. None of them was ready yet.

"Hum.. 'chira, can you sit next to me ? Like in the bus" chigiri asked, getting out of the weird bubble he was in.

Bachira smiled. He obviously knew everything, just didn't want to comment on it. He wasn't as shameless as Reo.

"Sure princess !"

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