A Million Times Again

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I dreamed of you heavily. You run around everywhere I am placed in whenever I fall into a stance with that cute smile of yours. I die and tear up from your warmth. You are all I want and I maybe acting selfish but I am scared. Someone like you shouldn't have the power of such control over me. I am a fool that does know what to do but the sin of sloth and feelings of love corrupt me. I wish to hold your hand. I wish to have you in my arms and whisper such romantic things to you but just enough to not scare you away. Some days I want to risk it all but once I face you, the realization of risking your presence and laughing manner terrifies me. I wanna hold your hand but not in a way... I don't know what I'm saying. Im going insane over you, I hate that but I am also falling in love with the fact of it. Your eyes are so dazzling, I will look into them a million times again. I swear to you on my life I won't ever stop looking for and at you. You are way too beautiful to be let go. Your existence alone inspires me to create something so euphoric, people will tell stories about it and have more kids like me fantasizing the idea of it happening to them. Although I would be in constant agony knowing it is all fake, I can still pretend. As long as I am happy with the thought of you, I don't have a care for the world nor my well-being.

There was this moment of togetherness in my room, your soft lips pressing against mine. It had no sense of lust but a sense of passion and love for the other. I wish to have your pretty face close to mine, your breath massaging my skin. I wish to have your hands running around my body and head as you pull me closer and let me sink into you. I wouldn't mind being suffocated. I have no desire in life, no desire of doing anything, in case you haven't noticed, I am the representation of the deadly sin sloth. I wish for no hate or pride since they are potential weapons for people. I am stoic most of my life, wishing for something to feel and desire for. I never knew such a tiring day can lead to me falling into somebody's tender hands in a fantasy world. Oh I wish I could have the power to reshape reality. Although people will hate the idea, I want to be in control of everything. I don't want anyone getting in front of me telling me what's right or wrong or what to do and not to do. I wanna break rules that are not supposed to be broken but not in a way that can kill but to seduce a single being. I don't know what I am talking about, I just want to be there with you in a real world filled with the things you ever want and need. A world filled with safety, love, and hearth. I would reject every single model in the world, as well as the types I thought I only liked, just for you. Although I have repeated it multiple times, I simply want you and only you. Back to being in a bed with you, I want to hold your cheeks as you hold mine as we tell each other what we like about each other. I would say that I love the way you act around me, makes me feel safe and sound. I appreciate that the fact that you exist and if you are a sad soul with a broken past, I want to let you know that I accept you. I adore you every millisecond, every minute, every hour, every aspect of time. I want to be feeling this way for you in order to let you know that you are always loved, appreciated, and supported by me. I wanna tell you, with a happy and excited expression, I want to be the one that makes your insecurities disappear without a trace. I want to give you the princess treatment that can best anyone's definition. I want to give you everything I absolutely have. I want to visit places with excitement of what's yet to come and holding your hand that tightens to let me know that you don't want to lose me. I desire your look of affection whenever I face you. I want to feel butterflies whenever I'm with you as if I'm talking to my crush for the first time. I want to relive the things that people experienced but in a way that cycles everyday for both you and i. In the far fantasy future, I want to come home with you opening the door, hugging me, telling me that you miss me, kissing me multiple times as our kids in the back make fun of us saying "ewww". Not only I came home with just my presence but with food that everyone likes. Something that can bring families together. Ah, family... although it would sound immoral but I do not like eating with my family around. For some reason it just ruins the vibe but a family with you would make me long for it every single day when I go to work. I would enjoy every moment I spend with our kids and you at the dinner table, sharing my day and telling our kids about our favorite stories being together. If I'm not with you, I want to be able to do something that can benefit us, something that may help in the short or long run. I wouldn't mind if it's tiring for my mental for physical health. For you, I want to be the one and only that gives so much effort, nobody could top my love. I would want our kids to happily say to their peers or friends that we love them. Not just that but that they are proud to have us. I grew up in a toxic household where parents exercised their power over you if you hurt their egos. "It's disrespectful", "you are the child, I'm the parent, you have no choice", "this is the only way to teach you", are things I hated to hear. I tear up at the fact that it's common within Hispanic families. I want to give them the love I deserved when I was a kid. I want to teach them with rightful manners and reasons as to why they shouldn't do something instead of beating them and telling them "no, just because I said so". Even though they are going to be great kids, I certainly will encourage them for a rebellious attitude. I want them to have fun. I want them to sneak out and do fun things like i did. I would give them the false sense of telling them no but a hint of "do it". To simply it, I wanna be the coolest dad for them. For mother and daughter things, I want to fund that. You and her could go out shopping and buy the things you like. I would want you guys to have a strong bond just like mine with my son. I want our family to be the greatest happiness a human being could ever ask for. Oh I wish to have it already, I hate dreaming since it's not real but it's great to know something like this can happen. mannnn, I guess I am a hopeless romantic but can't help it for someone like you.

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