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Next day y/n woke up and got ready for the training.

When she went there nobody was there.

"Yahh! Y/n!! Let's go we are late for class!!" Mijoo Said

"Class?? What class??" Y/n asked

" we have to go to the classes too!" Mijoo dragged y/n.

They reached to this big conference room and they sat on last bench.

"Woah!! We do have to go to the college!no matter where you are!" Y/n Chuckled

Jin walked in as everyone stood up for him.

"Sit down!" Jin Said

"Today we are learning about our king and his family!" Jin Said as he did some spell as taehyung's portrait appeared in the air.

"But first you need to understand what is power levels and domains are!" Jin said as he snapped his finger and the portrait disappeared.

"Today we are gonna learn about power levels and what is domains!" Jin Said as he did some magic spell a blue mist surrounded him

"We have 5 levels Power! Level 1 power is basically like a hunter! They can hunt animals with it! Level 2 and 3 are gaurds and securities! Level 4 they can fly and they can form a domain! Level five is the highest level! They can fly! They can control other people minds! They can hear other people thoughts too! Just as our King! He can hear anyone's thoughts and mind voices!" Jin Said making flinch.

"Wait!!! So he can listen anyone's thoughts??" Y/n shouted making whole class look at her.

"Yes Miss y/n! Next time you want to ask a question raise your hand first!" Jin Said seriously

"Sorry sir!" Y/n sat back

*It means he heard me daydreaming about him?? He knew everything from the start??? I'm so screwed!!!* Y/n was dying with embarassment.

"Domains are like space you create! Like creating a room for yourself! You can take a person with you there! If you are powerful you can build a house there! Like a dreamhouse!you can control everything happens there. If you die there you will die in your real life! You can summon anyone there! But to be able to create domain you have to work hard!" Jin explained

Y/n raised her hand getting Jin's attention.

"Who does have domains in our kingdom Sir!?" Y/n asked

"King, Princess Victoria, me, Prince hoseok!" Jin answered

"Do you guys have any doubts?" Jin asked

"Okay then lets get into royal Kingdom's profile!" Jin Said as his blue mist went in air and formed a profile with their faces

"You have to know everything about our king and his family! You are the future Armies, you will be going on the wars with them!" Jin said

"First about Prince hoseok!
He is a five leveler
His age is 489 years
He can fly and he craft rocks and trees with his power and use it as a weapon.
His mist colour is black represents rocks.
His special power is travel in the shadows.
He does not have a mate yet.

Next about me.

I'm five leveler.
My age is 493 years
I can fly!
I can control Air and kill someone by suffocating them.
My mist colour is blue as you can see it represents sky.
My special powers are creating explosive chemicals
I don't have a mate.

Next about our Princess Victoria

She is a five leveler
Her age is 480 years
She can fly
She controls water
As we know water is the sharpest weapon in the world! With force you can cut a mountain.
And her special powers are healing and sheild.
She lost her mate during a war.

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