Chapter 9: Panicked magic part 1

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I continued visiting Chara over the next few weeks. I would give them chocolate and they would rant about the underground. It was, sadly, the best part of my day. The castle had become boring. I knew each hall like the back of my hand, and I had read each book in the library. Even the sparing with Dust was getting predictable...which was saying something considering how unpredictable Dust was.

I passed through the portal, chocolate bar in hand. Once again stepping into the peaceful waterfall. It I never left this area...Chara had offered to show me around the rest of the underground, but it was bad enough I was even here. If I was spotted who knows what would happen.

Chara took the chocolate bar and ate it joyfully, as was routine. I sat down on the soft grass with a huff.

"You alright?" Chara tilted their head at me face smudged with chocolate. 

"yeah...I'm fine."

"...No your not." They stated, plopping down next to me. "Spill it."

I gave them a look that was supposed to mean "back off" But they ignored it. Oh long as I was vague enough...there was no harm in a little ranting. 

"Things have been a little repetitive back home...My...uncles...have been really busy lately and my father had been pushing me to here has been my only escape and I can't even go anywhere else because if I'm seen my father will kill me-"

"Chara!? Are you over here??"

I snap my mouth shut at the voice. That was Blue if I remembered right...

I jumped up to make a portal only for the swapped Sans to come around the corner faster than I thought he would. I don't think I have even pulled my hood up so fast.

Chara got up to, wiping the chocolate off their face with a sleeve. 

Blue regarded me curiously for a moment before looking to the human. 

"Chara? Who's your friend?" He asked.

I looked to Chara fearfully, I didn't know whether or not they would cover for me...

"Oh...him...he... uhhh, he's just a someone who moved from the capital...not too long ago...he lives here now."

I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding.

"Oh...really?! What's your name?" He asked, now addressing me. I was frozen in place. All I could hope was that Chara had this handled.

"He's...really shy..." They said, patting me on the back. I stiffened. My soul was beating so fast, and my breathing was shaky...It was almost like I was...having a panic attack. I had bad anxiety in my past life, could that pass on?!

"Is he ok...?" I was visibly shaking now. I felt like I wasn't getting enough air...which was ironic considering I was a skeleton.

Blue stepped forward with a look of concern and something snaped. Emotions were connected to the soul and the soul was connected to my magic. I had read about monster panic attacks, so I was able to shove Chara away before they got impaled by the sharp tendrils that lashed out.

"S-shit-!" I stumbled, I didn't hit anyone, but one of my tendrils went straight through one of the rock walls. It couldn't get them to stop thrashing and I couldn't retract them, my soul still in fight or flight mode. 

By the time I looked up, Blue had shove Chara behind him, a phone in his hand.

A/N: I had this chapter in mind for a loooooong time. Finally found a spot to add it in! Things can start happening now! hehe.

A/N: How did you go back to using the WRONG PRONOUNS?!?! Welp at least I have fixed everything. Good luck past me, because you are now me, who is future me, still writing this story.

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