Can we please talk? (Not a Chapter but it's important)

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Ladies and gentlemen, I have something important to address in this book, and I actually have quite a few things to say about it.

So, let's dive right in.

First of all, I want to express how tired I am.

Seriously, can you tell? I am exhausted.

All I want is to relax after putting so much effort into writing these chapters.

I long for a moment to lie down and rest, but unfortunately, I can't seem to do that because of all the reviews and feedback I've been receiving about this book.

One recurring criticism I've come across is regarding the portrayal of the United States and its military in the story.

Apparently, some readers find it unrealistic.

Now, let me make something clear:
I am not a US citizen, nor do I reside in the US.

However, I am familiar with it, and I do my research to ensure accuracy.

But if I keep seeing comments about how the portrayal isn't true to the actual United States, it makes me wonder: Can you actually read?

This is a fan fiction, for crying out loud! It's a work of fiction, not an exact replica of our miserable and pathetic world.

Sure, certain elements need to be realistic for readers to relate to them, but incessantly complaining about the unrealistic portrayal becomes tiresome.

Authors strive to depict certain things with accuracy while also making adjustments to fit the story they want to tell.

They often address the fact that it's their own personal artistic creation and should not be taken too seriously.

Yet, some people fail to listen, even when this disclaimer is repeated numerous times.

I must admit, I was afraid of the audience's reaction when I uploaded this book.

It started as nothing more than a fanfiction I scribbled in my notes, but over time, as I immersed myself in the anime, manga, and light novels, I felt a desire to become part of the community.

And what better way to do that than by writing my own fictionalized story?

That's exactly what I did. I wrote this book during a low point in my life when I found interest and solace in various things.

Gate and its captivating story hooked me, and to prepare myself for uploading this book, I delved into multiple fanfictions.

I genuinely felt comfortable creating this book and sharing it with all of you.

However, as of late, I've been plagued by doubts regarding this book.

I kept encountering comments on different chapters, claiming that certain important elements came out of nowhere, even though I had already dedicated an entire chapter to explaining them.

Take, for example, the Navy's Gate and the Bayarmaa Empire.

For those who couldn't be bothered to read Chapter 32, let me provide an explanation.

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