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It happened all so quickly. A once thriving world of flora and fauna, now turned into a volcanic hellscape. The air was stifled by ash, smog, and the bacteria that took advantage of this chaos.
Amongst it all, a male gorgonopsid. His fur darkened by the soot, his once muscular form now withering away thanks to starvation, and his breathing labored. He had lost his eggs in the chaos and he has hardly eaten in days. How could he? His beloved mate got separated from him when the volcanoes by their home erupted. He trudged onward, calling out to his mate.
This went on for days. He couldn't even catch a wink of sleep. His legs ached from exhaustion and he could barely get up anymore. He just wanted to sleep, but he didn't want to leave his mate behind. Then, his final day came. He couldn't get up anymore, he cried out for his mate and the family they could've had. He rested his head on the ground of this unmerciful world
"I'll find you, my love. I promise..."

The gorgonopsid closed his eyes one last time, his rest now indefinite.

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