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The next morning, Hermione, Ginny and I were all getting ready for our first day back at Hogwarts.

"I still can't believe Eva has all classes with Malfoy again." Ginny complained. "Yeah well we don't make the schedules and they've been each other's study partners since Year 1." Hermione sighed while trying to tame her bushy hair into soft curls.

I always admired Hermiones messy curly hair. Never understood why she changed it after 2nd Year. Those bullies got to her. They're foul gits.

"Okay enough blabbing about Malfoy can we just go down to breakfast, I am starving!" I said, raising my voice at the last three words. We all laughed and left the dormitory.

It was now time for class and my first class was potions class. I entered the classroom, going over to Hermione. Our new Professor Slughorn was going over different types of potions. There was a loud crash at the entrance. The students turned their attention to the door.

I let out a small chuckle. It was just Ronald and Harry. Hermione let out a disappointing huff.

"Ah, Harry, my boy, I was beginning to worry. We've brought someone with us I see." Slurghorn spoke. Wait. Slughorn invited them here? For what purpose? Everyone looked at Ron. "Ron Weasley, sir." Yes Ron, everyone knows who you are.

I felt a shove, a fellow Gryffindor girl pushed past me and stood next to me. The girl stared at Ron like she was in love. That right there is Lavender Brown. Apparently she has a huge crush on Ron.

I turned to look at Hermione who had a gross expression on her face. I swear Hermione has had a crush on Ron ever since Year 1. Ron though, it's kind of hard to read him sometimes.

I shoved Hermione's arm, whispering in her ear, "Jealous much?" "Shut up" She responded, scooting away from me. I let out a small chuckle.

I looked up from laughing, only to see Malfoy already looking at me. He looked away when I noticed.

Are you serious? Are we really going to play this eye glancing game.

"Miss Henderson." Slughorn called. I shook my head and looked at Slughorn. Well shit. What the fuck was he even saying. "Yes, Professor?" I said.

I'm fucked.

"Do you mind telling us what potion this is?" Slughorn asked as he pointed towards the cauldron.

"It's uhm." I stopped, catching Malfoy staring again. I quickly turned away and looked at Hermione for help.

"Amortentia." mouthed Hermione. I nodded my head and quickly turned back at Slughorn. "It's Amortentia."

The students clapped. Hermione had a smirk on her face. Thank you Hermione.

"Very good, very good, but do you know what it is and what it does?" Slughorn raised a brow at her.

Are you shitting me?

Okay let's face it. I'm pretty sure Slughorn knows about my family. Well I don't know about the whole Death Eater thing but my mum and dad for sure.

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