Chapter 1

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A/N: Welcome to a whole new South Park story! I really hope you enjoy! Please remember to vote, follow, and share if you like my content!

Kenny McCormick sat up aggressively in bed, sweat pouring down his back. He touched his face and could still feel warm tears running down his cheeks. He turned and checked the alarm clock before rolling out of bed. It was only four in the morning, but he knew he wouldn't be able to go back to sleep... not after... not after that dream... again. Kenny could still hear his sister's haunting scream as the van turned the corner. He couldn't move. He could never move. He had the same dream ever since she was taken, and he never moved, always watching in place. Kenny walked into the bathroom and flinched as he turned on the harsh light. He splashed cold water onto his face as his brain began intrusively recounting his entire life.

"I love you, Kenny," Karen said as she smiled up at her brother. The two McCormicks grew up as orphans on the streets, the older of the two raising the other in spite of everything.

"I love you too, sweetheart. I'll always keep you safe, no matter what." Kenny pulled his younger sister closer to himself, keeping her warm with his own body as the two huddled on the ground of an abandoned building together. He was only nine years old, but he swore to keep his sister safe....

"Sweetie, I'm back!" Kenny called as he made his way back into the abandoned building one morning after scrounging up some bits of food. He frowned when he received no response. "Karen?" He walked deeper into the building where the two slept, figuring that his sister must've gone back to sleep. Kenny froze in place when he found no sign of his sister anywhere. His gaze fell to the metallic ring with a large crystal embedded in it which now sat on the ground. It was one of the only two pieces of jewelry that Karen owned, the other of which was a golden question mark necklace that he gave her on her last birthday. Kenny felt his body chill to its very core. He picked up the ring shakily before suddenly bolting out of the room, screaming his sister's name as he did so....

Kenny ran his hands through his hair as he stared at himself in the mirror. He wanted to end his life so many times, but the thought of Karen out there somewhere, scared, alone, and waiting for him to come look for her kept him powering through life. It had been over a decade, but he never stopped looking. Kenny gently brushed a thumb over the ring on his left pinky as he fought back tears. He had an idea of what had happened to his sister, and he'd be damned if he didn't dedicate his entire life to track down the bastards who took Karen away from him. The area he used to stay at with his sister was terrible to say the least, rampant with crime everywhere. The most prominent, however, was a criminal organization called the Syndicate. The illicit group started as a small mob, but as the years passed, it developed into a sophisticated underground mafia. Since the very beginning, the Syndicate was known for trafficking people for labor, illegal activities... or... or worse.... Kenny squeezed his eyes shut and took in a few shuddering breaths. He went into his closet and put on a dress shirt before picking out an expensive silk suit to slip on. Kenny looked himself up and down in the mirror as he buttoned his sleeves. He worked his entire life to get to exactly where he wanted to be... one of the most prominent leaders of the Syndicate who co-ran the entire Colorado branch. Well, not exactly. Kenny enlisted in the military as soon as he was old enough to do so, and he worked his ass off until he was accepted as one of the youngest special intelligence agents in the FBI. For the last three years, he had been undercover with the alias Mysterion as a member of the Syndicate, working closely with the scum he hated most in existence itself. Luckily, he wasn't completely alone in his efforts. Kenny was pulled from his thoughts when a soft knock sounded at his door. He grabbed his loaded gun from under the nightstand which had the safety on and was stored facing the wall. "Who is it?"

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