Chapter one: moving

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Sonic POV

After a long day at got to go fast high I rushes home I don't ride a bus because he don't live far from his school and I walks the house.

"I'm home" I yell through the house to let my parents know I'm home.

"Welcome home sweetie we have something to tell you" my mom said as I walk by the kitchen

I turn around and walk towards the kitchen and walk in and say "yeah what is it" I asked curiously *maybe it's a new gaming console that would be awesome* I thought to myself with a huge smile

"Well we have some not so good news" my mom says as she puts down the mug of coffee she was drinking

"Oh is it really bad because if so I wouldn't like to hear it heh" I say glancing away from my mom looking at the floor

"Well me and your father got new jobs and because of that we have to move and you have to go to a different school" my mom looking a little upset at the statement she made

My eyes widen and "w-what so we have to move and I have to go to a new school" I say looking at my mom with some anger and sadness

"Yes you have to I'm sorry but you don't really have a choice trust me it there was a option for you to stay at got to go fast high we would take it but there isn't" my mom said as she looks at me with a upset face

"So I just have to leave all of my friends that I made and go to a new school and be a complete stranger!" I say raising my voice a little in anger but not to much

"Sonic I know you don't like the idea but you don't really have a opinion you have to move schools we have only a week so get your stuff packed" my mom say as she takes another sip of her coffee

I scoff and run out of the kitchen up the stairs to my room and lay face first into my pillows *how am I gonna tell all my friends that I have to move schools uhh this is gonna suck so bad* i think to myself as my eyes swell up with tears because just at the thought of leaving my friends sucks but I'll tell them in person

The next day

I woke up in the morning with less enthusiasm than any other time I wake up and slowly crawl myself out of bed really not wanting to go break the news to my friends that I'm moving schools because it's gonna really suck not just for me but for them to do I slowly got dressed and went down stairs

"Sonic sweetie if you don't hurry up and eat you'll be late for school" my mom said as she getting her stuff for work

I sigh and say "I know mom I just don't want to tell my Friends I have to move" I say as I sit down and start eating breakfast

"I know honey but hey you can still keep in touch with them with your phone" she says trying to lighten my mood

"It won't be the same as seeing them in person but yea I guess" I say with a small smile as I finish eating breakfast and grab my bag for school

"I'm heading to school" I yell as I walk out the house and walk

At Sonic's school

I stand outside the front doors to my school contemplating if I should even go in after like two to three minutes I decide to walk into the building and since it's the beginning of the day I walk to the lunch room until the bell rings for 1st period I walk in the cafeteria and see my friends sitting at our usual table and walk over to them

"Oh hey sonic" Alex says Alex is my best friend at this school and when I break the news I feel like he's gonna cry

"Oh hey Alex where is everyone else?" I asked because it's just Alex at the table when usually it's everyone

Alex sighs "they all are sick they won't be here for the next week or two" Alex says as he eats his breakfast

"Oh" I say this is gonna suck I got to tell Alex in person but I'll have to tell Tom and Emily over the phone that's just great

"Well I wish they were here because I have something to tell y'all" I say with a down face looking at the tile on the floor

"What is why do you look so down?" Alex asked with concern on his face yep this is gonna suck for him to hear

"Well my parents got new jobs and there work is far from here and so I have to move schools and we move in a week so yea that's why I wish everyone was here" I say still looking at the tiles

"What your moving your joking right" Alex says with his eyes started to water and I look up and shake my head and he starts to cry not loudly to not draw attention to us

"Hey don't be upset we can still talk over the phone I mean it's better than nothing" I say trying to calm Alex down

"I guess but it won't be the same as you being here in person" Alex says his eyes still a little watery

"Yea" I say with a sigh

At the end of school

I walk home instead of rushing home because I just really didn't want to move schools but I guess I have to

When I got home I walked in the door

"I'm home" I say less enthusiastic than I usually do and walk to my room and close the door and sit in the bed and just laid down dreading the end of this week well I guess I just have to wait and see what happens

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