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Set during Hermitcraft-Empires Crossover in Empires!
Enjoy <3


The Hermits were here in Empires, and it was a bit chaotic. They had been here 4 days, and they have already created a monstrosity of a building at spawn that they called 'Hermittopia'. The Hermits are great, of course... It's just that something is off with Jimmy. Ever since they have arrived, he's been acting more secretive. I wonder if it has to do with his old friend Tango being here.
He's been spending an awfully long time with him. But I'm sure it's just because he missed his friend. Nothing more.

I flew over to Tumble Town to go find Jimmy. He's been acting so secretive and distant from me: I want to know what's going on.

I arrived at Tumble Town and went looking for Jimmy. I walked to his starter house and knocked on the door, as he went there a lot. There was no answer, but the door was open a bit. I opened it fully and walked in quietly. The oak floorboards creaked under me. I walked to the side room, and there was Jimmy. I stepped back quietly, about to walk out the room, and fly back to Chromia. To pretend, I never saw that. But he saw me. Jimmy, my past husband, was kissing Tango. His friend. Jimmy stepped away from Tango, his eyes wide as he looked at me.
'S... Scott!' He stuttered.
Tango looked at me, shocked, and then looked at Jimmy.
'Jimmy, you said nobody would be here!' He muttered quickly to Jimmy.
Jimmy is still staring at me, and I spoke again.
'What are you doing here-' He started, but I cut him off.
'Forget it, Jimmy. You've been acting so distant lately, but at least now I know why. Your pathetic,' I said angrily.
A hurt expression was planted on Jimmy's face.
I turned to leave.
'And Jimmy?' I said before I left.
He didn't reply.
'I liked you.' I said and flew off before I cried in front of him. I can't believe him. I thought we had something special after Last Life. I guess not. At least now I know why he's been acting so distant.

The end :)
Sorry, it's short!
Part 2??

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