Chapter 8: Trust

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Tw: this chapter contains SA it will be over at the end of the flashback

      I wake up and it's still black. The only sound I hear is the laughter of the two douches who captured me. When suddenly it goes silent. And my arms are free.
I remove the bag and I see both of them against of the wall. But it's Harlow who's holding them against the wall. They gasp when I hear a crack and watch as they go lifeless. He turns towards me and I can see the darkness in his eyes. "Jade?" He asks and I just stare at him as a tear trickles down my cheek. All I could think of was that one night last year. The memories come flashing back.

"Hey Jade come on we have something to show you." I here Scott say and I follow him and some of my other friends into the room they were pointing at. I wore my favorite green dress and the night felt perfect. I look around and just see a bed as the door is slammed behind me. I turn as utter fear takes over. And it's just me and two strangers alone. They instantly push me to the bed. I scream and kick as I try to get them off of me. They tear off my dress and force themselves onto me.

All I can hear are their laughs and pants unbuckling. And that's when I see the camera. The next 15 minutes feel like years. And they finally finish. I'm left alone, afraid.

End of flashback

      I wake up in the warmth of a bed. "You we're screaming in your sleep, want to tell me what that was about?" I hear Harlow ask. "What happened?" I ask and he just scoffs. "You almost got your ass killed." He states and I pull the blanket off of me. "My head is throbbing." I state and he hands me some water. "Thanks." I state and his face remains blank. "So want to tell me what happened?" He asks and I nod. I don't know why but I felt like I could trust him.
      I tell him about what happened to me last year and that when I saw myself in the mirror my whole mood changed because it reminded me of that night. He didn't react like everyone else. Instead he embraced me. Not intimately but comforting. I hugged back and I relaxed. "When I saw that woman and her child in a similar position I was in I had to help like I wish someone would have done for me." I say and he releases me.
       "But Jade you can't put yourself at risk like that." He says looking into my eyes with sadness. "I'm fine really." I state and he scoffs again. ""you've only been here a month and you've already had an ankle, leg and now a head injury." He says with a light hearted laugh. "We'll the first two were because I wanted to go home." I say with an awkward smile and he just smiles back. "Look get some sleep I have something important to talk to you about in the morning." He says as he tucks a piece of hair behind my ear. I nod and lay my head on the soft pillow.
       I drift to sleep and I think this will be my first peaceful night of sleep. I'm woken up by Luna shaking me furiously and I groan. "Your highness we must get you ready." She says as I pull myself out of bed. She lays out a dress for me and I roll my eyes. "No no Luna I have sweaters now so no more of this nonsense." I say as I pull out a dark purple sweater and a pair of dark brown pants with a pair of black flats.
       "But your majesty suggested this dress." She says and I laugh. "We'll he can suck a nut." I say and her cheeks glow red. She nods as I begin to get dressed. She sits me down at the vanity and begins to comb through my hair. She ties it half up and loosely pulls the half into a bun. She adds no makeup upon my request. My face was beginning to become tired of all that gunk.
       "Your majesty is waiting for you at breakfast." She says with a bow and I nod dismissing her. I make my way to the dinning hall and he's sitting across the giant table and I take my seat at the other end. "This table is quit big for just the two of us don't you think?" I ask as I take a sip of my juice. "We'll once we have kids it will be full enough." He says and it causes me to choke on my juice. I forgot the whole reason I'm even here. "That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about." He says and I put my cup down. I gulp and nod letting him continue. "The wedding is at the end of this week." He says and I have to pick my jaw up off of the floor. I just stare in shock. "I know it's sudden but I've already delayed it as much as possible." He says and everything begins to blur together.
      I mean my wedding was supposed to be with my family on earth with the love of my life not just some guy I may or may not be attracted to and he's not even human! I mentally yell at myself. "Excuse me I need to rest I'm feeling a little light headed." I state and he begins to protest but I just smile and head to my room. There's no fucking way! I continue to shout in my head as I reach my door and slam it behind me. I rush outside and gasp at the cool fresh air hitting my lungs.
        I lean over the railing and I just throw up. The thought is literally making me sick. I go inside and lay down. I can't be married by the end of this week. I say to myself and begin thinking. Is there anyway I can escape. I mean I can't go through the forest that failed last time. I'm constantly watched by guards especially after yesterday. And Harlow barely leaves me alone. It's useless. But I can't just let it happen. I feel weak, hopeless.
        I hear a knock and then the door creaks open. It's Harlow. He looks sad, almost sorry. "Look Jade I know you don't want to marry me but that's just the way it is." He says as he comes to sit by me on the bed. "If this is your way of comforting me it's not working." I say as I cross my arms. "I mean I had it all planned out, my mom was gonna give me away because my dad wouldn't be there, I would be marrying someone I love and I would be at our family's favorite vacation spot for my honeymoon." I say and I can hear him sigh.
      "I'm sorry I tried delaying it but the council demands a marriage by the end of the week." He says and I groan. I feel his hand brush my hair back. I look up and he actually has a glimpse of care in his eyes. "Look I know something that might cheer you up." He says and I roll my eyes. "Oh yeah like what." I ask and he smiles. "You are gonna teach me how to dance." He says and I can't help but smile. "Really?" I ask and he nods.
     Although I was still very upset this filled me up with joy. I sigh and he stares at me confused. "What's wrong?" He asks and I just blankly stare at him. "Harlow I don't want to marry you." I say and he looks into my eyes with sadness. I don't know how it worked for him but for me I can't love someone I've know for a month and half of the time I've been injured or trying to escape.
        "There's still so much to learn about everything and I still haven't decided if I'm going to think about forgiveness." I say as I look down and fiddle with the hem of my sweater.
"Well if it helps I'm open to answer any questions... as long as I get to ask some of my own." He says as he places his hand on mine to get me to pay attention. I gulp and look into his eyes.
"We'll for starters.. why me?" I ask and he looks down. "There's a prophecy. It goes something like this,the solution to your problems will come from the kingdom of which the one who goes by Harlow rules over, but he is not the solution the solution is his mate who is not one of you but highly valued among the galaxy and she shall be your savior." He says and sigh deeply. "The last part is obviously stating humans. So when I saw you that very first day I instantly knew it was you." The last part makes me look down as he tries to meet my gaze.
"Ok.. I guess that helps a little but." I start to ask but he puts a finger to my mouth. "Nope that's not how this works, my turn." He says and I roll my eyes. He snickers and removes his finger.
"What is a human wedding like?" He asks and I can't help but think "is he for real right now?" I mean how is me talking about weddings going to make me feel better. But I push the thought aside and take a deep breath.
"We'll the bride usually wears a long whit dress and the groom or husband wears a tuxedo or nice black and white suit and tie. It's in a beautiful place or a church, and the ceremony is where they say their vows and share the kiss after saying I do. Then there's the reception where you dance, eat food and cake and the groom and bride have their first dance and then each of them with a father or mother. Then they have a honeymoon where it's supposed to be the first night the lovers sleep with each other." I say and he stares mesmerized. "Wow, I've never heard of such thing." He says and I chuckle a little.
"How do wedding here go?" I ask and he smiles and Lena's back on his arms. "We'll it's kinda similar but also very different. The bride wears typically the grooms favorite color or gold, and the groom wears the bride favorite color as well and then instead of a kiss the bride takes the mark of her husbands and the Huns and takes the mark of the wife. And then after they are to leave and begin population." He says and my eyes go blank. "But considering our circumstances it might be longer than that." He says and I smile awkwardly. "Where does the mark go?" I ask and he sits up.
"We'll it's right here on both bride and groom." He says as he moved my hair behind my shoulders and he lightly grazes my neck with his cold fingers. I shiver at the touch and that's when I notice the distinct feeling in the pit of my stomach. We're so close that I can feel his breathe on my nose. I gulp and pull away. "Ok that's enough questions for today." I state as I stand up. "I think I'm gonna go to the garden." I say and he just stares at me with a confused look. "We'll I'll go with you." He says and I shake my head. "NO! I..I mean no, your a busy man so I'll just leave you alone." I say and I rush out of the room.
        What is this? Why? I can't do this.
Those words rush through my head. I grip the wall for support, the cold stone sends shivers down my spine. Why... why do I think I'm starting to feel more than just trust towards him?

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jul 11, 2023 ⏰

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