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All these things.

Make you sad.

Got no bling.


Now, I ain't sappy.

Instead, I'm feeling rappy.

So here.

Hope you feel dear.

You belong.

sing a new song.

Be tall.

Like a wall.

Woah I'm going fast.

Faster than a mast.

But let's get to the point.

Right straight to the joint.

Broke a thing?

Who cares.

Got mad?

Who cares.

Someone out there cares!

They won't look at your mistakes.

You ain't no disgrace.

I'll tell you what you are.

A star.

This might feel like feel good fluff.

Yeah, it sounds like cringy stuff.

But look.

This book.

It ain't finished.

You get to finish it.

So go.

A New Start (Poem about being you)Where stories live. Discover now