What is Hope

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Upon each dawn, a new day glistens

A new day that gives each soul, new and old, another chance

Another chance of making a difference, or simply living like there's no tomorrow

For there may not be a tomorrow to live in

So what is hope?

Is it something to take, to treasure

Or is it something that cannot be obtained, no matter the work to grab it and hold on

It could be a feeling, or a beacon

It can take form of anything

Hope, a strange thing it is

It can be painful, or as gentle as a mother's touch

Each piano played and violin strung, hope rings and someone is always willing to listen

Whether that someone had been clinging onto the fact that someone else may care

Or they needed to hear something, but didn't know what that may be

Hope takes shape of everything

Each note of a song and melody of a voice

An unusual concept it may be, but a thing nonetheless

Remarkable, it is

Yet to some, it seems impossible

Impossible to believe

To achieve

Those who battle and suffer are those who pray that hope will save them

They hope for that pain to ease, for things to get better

Or, in the most desperate of times, they hope for it all to end

Hope is not one to end everything, but to begin something

Even in the darkest tunnels, hope is willing to light the way

It is never clear where to turn, but it is known where the light is

The light to your new beginning, your tomorrow

Tomorrows may not be guaranteed, but they can be hoped for

They can be dreamed of, but no matter how hard you dream

The dream will never turn out

So all you can do is hope until there is nothing left to hope for


What is hope?

Hope is the key to a feeling long lost from humanity's grasp

Hope is something that is unique to every person laid upon these earthly grounds

And that unique hope



Short Explanation of Poem:

Alright, so this is describing what hope feels like (obviously) and it's explained in many different forms because everyone sees hope differently, but everyone gets the same results.

There's is also the portion at the end (it's three lines, hard to miss) where it says you are hope too because you can be the one to light up hope in someone else's life

There you have it!

What are your interpretations of hope?

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