Second Chance

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Year 2266

American Precinct – Great Southern Region

Previously Rio de Janeiro

The world we live in now is drawing its last breath. We, the humans, are already facing the last stand on the war against extinction where all other living species had died away. The year is 2266. The Earth is dying in its own pollution, poverty, malnutrition, war and the population of our planet has quadrupled, topping 28 billion and counting. Overpopulation, over- development, toxic waste, deforestation, loss of biodiversity through extinction and the Great War of Brink of Extinction... all of these have combined to make the once green and beautiful planet a reddish grey planet

Jason Bishop, a young man 26 years old, lives in just one of the many Social Domes all over the world, under one nation - The United Federation of Greater America.Underneath the domes are high-rise concrete apartments called Quarters, 250 stories high, consisting of all basic amenities, shopping complexes dominating the lower floors.

People shuffle past each other along dirty corridors, shoulder to shoulder, unwashed because of the water shortages, and pale looking from the malnutrition where diet usually consists of egg sticks and coffee chews, synthetically made. In the streets, Jason, having quit from law enforcement due to a bad gunshot wound, still wears his sheriff jacket, and with his combed up hair and bright eyes, he is just another individual dotting the sheltered streets under the Domes

Days are hard for everybody, working for every cent, just to feed themselves, with no aspirations, no dreams, no hope. Jason was somewhat better off by an inch, mainly due to his previous status as a cop. Respected and feared, Jason never lose that aura and it is further strengthened with the Golden Cross adorning his chest that he is proud of. Now, he works at the Universal Logistics Corporation, as a Chief Traffic Controller, directing hovering cargo transporters in and out of the Dome, similar to Air Traffic Controllers in the past.

As he is on his way to the Cafeteria after completing his 8 hour shift, he hears someone calling out his name and looking back, sees a guy in a black suit running to him. His heart skipped a beat as he wondered if the man is one of his colleagues from the Central Investigations Department before was forced to retire couple of years ago.

It is Gerald Jameson, Jason's squadmate and he also do not work in the CID anymore, in fact he left right after Jason quitted as he wanted a job with lesser bloodshed. He says that he is now working for Greater American Research, in short GrAmeResearch, which is the largest economic entity in the World which has a part in every aspect of our lifestyles, even politics and is now responsible for the operations of the Mythrinthian Portal Complex since the 51st Pilgrimage thirty years ago.

Going straight to the point, Gerald tells Jason that after pulling significant strings from the upper levels, he has helped signed Jason up to go on the 66th Pilgrimage, the application is accepted and Jason will be leaving in a week time, with him.

On hearing the news, Jason was stunned. Like everyone, Jason has heard of the New World Base, the Pilgrimages and a time warp that started it all. Discovered in 2120, it is the next great event to happen to the dying human race since the Great War at the dawn of the 22nd Century. This new world named

the Mythrinth is simply another planet brought together to our dying planet by the intricate fabric of the Universes.

Mythrinth had a tightly interwoven biological network between nature the Natives who the humans call the Mythrinthians. Humans are unable to thrive on Mythrinth without rebreathers due to toxic atmospheric conditions comprising of almost even proportion of carbon dioxide and oxygen. To the humans who heard of this new world, it is all about fear, mystery and a second chance.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2013 ⏰

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