Monstrous Mountain

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On March 14th, 1782, an undersea volcanoe erupted. It was the most powerful eruption the natives on the nearby island had ever seen. It continued for three months, building in pressure and heat. The thick, oppressive, heavy smoke covered everything for miles. Visibility was reduced for months. The smoke killed all the vegetation it touched. That caused a famine that killed hundreds of thousands of people. To this day, scientists have no clue as to what could have killed so many people. At the end of the three months, an eruption occurred that topped all other eruptions in the past, the present, and the future. This eruption made the lava clear the water and begin creating an island. Over the years, the rough sea wind, and repeated earthquakes made the island into a mountain with twisted features. For as long as they can remember, the descendants of the few surviving natives have referred to the mountain as "Gongamaloo Makika"*, (Monstrous Mountain) reverently and under their breath, fearing a repeat of the horrendous disaster that happened over 200 years ago. When ever it is mentioned, everyone nearby looks over their shoulder nervously.

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On August 14th, 1997, a young boy was born in Washington, DC. He was named William Watersbury the third. His father was the President of th United States of America. His mother was the governor general. His grandmother was the Queen of England. His other grandmother was the duchess of Watersbury. His great-grandfather was Lord over quite a large territory.His other ancestors were nobles of varying ranks, from different countries. In short, he came from a long line of snobs. Any time he lifted a finger, servants were there to help. He never had to do anything for himself. Not only that, he was an only child. So he was especially spoiled and doted upon.


On January 10, 1996, a young girl was born on a farm outside of Banff. Her name was Francine Burrows. She was the firstborn of Matilda and Joseph Burrows. Later on, they would have a total of 13 children. They didn't have enough money for a hired hand, so the children had to help out. Especially Francine, seeing as she was the oldest. When Francine was 4 years old, she started helping outside of the house. She had to get up before the sun, milk the cows, feed the chickens, get eggs from her chickens, and get the horses ready for the days work. Then she had to go inside and get breakfast started. During the rest of the day, she did various jobs around the farm. When she got older, she had to go to school, as well as keep up with her chores, which grew at the same rate that she did.


On January 8, 1997, a young girl was born. Her name was Alice Confeld. Her mother died when Alice was born. Her father was the richest man in the world. He had gold mines, silver mines, diamond mines, and many more mines. He owned most of the biggest corporations, so money just poured in. Alice was spoiled almost beyond belief. Whatever she wanted, she got. She never had to work for anything in her life.


On September 24, 1996, a young boy was born in the slums of downtown New York. He was abandoned by an orphanage door. They named him Mitchel. But everyone called him 'boy', whenever they needed anything to be done. No one cared about him, except that he was another mouth to feed.

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