The sun rises.

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The sun rose... Brightening the sky. The man's eyes slowly opened, looking around. It was really cold.. he got up, trying to go upstairs, to his bed. He fell down many times on his way... Grunting each time. He finally reached his room, and fell onto the bed on his belly, and covered himself with the blanket he saved up for.

He was shaking really violently, it was extremely cold that it hurt. He cried, whimpering, from the cold. It hurt really bad. He felt his veins separate from his flesh. But hey. Don't cry. He is just a 'subhuman' Afterall... It does not matter any more. 

He would not bother to leave the building to get firewood for himself. Quiet literally in the hands of a human trafficking organization.. If he dare does anything like step too far out of the building into the public, the public will never see him again. They only will if they have access to the dark web... Or just the surface net at this point because nobody really cares about gore anymore. You can watch it legally in some first world countries. Like some places in America. Shocking. Isn't it? So what human rights advocates. True because we are considered subhumans... After all. So genocide is justifiable for them. Because children are terrorists apparently.

 Not surprising because they called me a 'pedophile' acknowledging that I was a child myself. And that I was worthy of being put in real life danger. I haven't even dated anyone or anything related to a relationship. In fact I don't find younger people attractive personally. And so they did get out of their way to attempt this. I do not have any sort of grooming allegations against me neither have I done that. Their also minors but that's never an excuse to put an innocent persons life in danger over their beliefs. Even if those beliefs are extreme. You can disagree with it but at least leave us alone to our own religion. At least 90% of religious Muslims have gotten in danger over something they never had done and only believed in. They told many more lies and made me self doubt so it does not really matter to what they say as they all are lies. But what does is how they put me in danger. That's unacceptable. I could have called the police over this. And gotten them in some trouble. And when we fight back, do not call it terrorism. Because someone fighting for their life is not terrorism... It is basic human rights.

Whom they once called freedom fighters are now called terrorists.

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