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Ayaan's vision blurred every second... as his eyes slowly lost focus. His body getting heavier and heavier the more he lost consciousness. Shivering gently, feeling like he was going to fall apart any time now. His chest gently went up and down, struggling for a peek of oxygen... As those bloodshot eyes stayed in one place.. looking dead.

Tears ran down those idle eyes, of no emotion. As the ambience consumed the scene, letting there be more darkness.

He felt like a robot.. To be used, discarded, and forgotten about forever. Just as how thousands of people die everyday and how some people online or offline try to justify it and make it seem like a good thing. A few of those thousands could have been innocent.. Had their goals their life.. their dreams to achieve.. Could have aimed to change the world or have a family.. All crushed altogether in one go and forgotten by the ignorant. By the terrorists in hero capes. Ayaan was one of them. The person who wanted a life. A dream. A family. But broke down in the drop of a hat and forgotten, they turned  their backs on us, called us terrorists for something we never did, pretended to be heroes...

 But broke down in the drop of a hat and forgotten, they turned  their backs on us, called us terrorists for something we never did, pretended to be heroes

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His eyes averted up to the ceiling. Picturing it burning. Just like the houses of those Muslims who went homeless because of them, burning down their family and excusing it by calling them the terrorists. That is the truth of the real world. The truth always hurts. Muslims who fought against the ISIS are forgotten. By everyone who claimed to not be ignorant and unfair...

The man got himself up, staring into the mirror. What he saw was a monster. A big.. Ugly disgusting monster. A murderer, a creep.. a sadistic freak.. a pervert.. everything that he never had committed in his life or even thought of doing it. But drowned in self doubt. He saw a subhuman. Meant to be sold to the superior race as a dog chew toy. 

He drowned in silence, as he got himself up, rubbing his eyes. Going upstairs.. avoiding all the mold. As each step took great effort.. finally reaching the room. Walking inside of it, dropping himself on the bed. Which had hardened like concrete. But hey Afterall he was a 'subhuman'. He got used to it, snoozing, going to sleep. Where hopefully nobody could reach to hurt him...

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