Stave One: 'As solitary as an oyster'

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POV: E.Scrooge

"We can't help you," I say bluntly, looking over at my co-worker, J.Marely, rolling my luscious grey orbs.

"Please, I promise I'll pay it back!" The man begs now, his crooked legs unable to hold him.

"You are dismissed, Mr Brims!" My voice is louder now. The now whimpering Mr Brims stumbles out of the store. If he is so desperate, he can find him and his family on their way to the workhouse. If he wants to be such a lazy cretin to the earth, he can take his business somewhere where they care.

"Are we ever going to get someone worth it?" Marley mutters to himself. I smile.

"You know that family that came to us seven times this year?"

"Erm, yes, I think so."

"The father was put in debtors prison and the rest of them starved." I continued, finding myself quite merry.

"Idle people get what they deserve, Ebe. Remember that!"

"They do indeed."

Marley returns to his work, but my eyes stayed focused on him. The way his fingers glided across the page, the way his breath caressed the air. I sigh, he was my only companion in this life.

"I'm off," he says. "See you tomorrow"
My heart sinks, is it already time?

"Would you like to come back to mine?" I ask.

"No? I have things to do, Mr.Scrooge."

I don't think much about it, but it pains me as he walks out of the door.

I sigh, alone again. I look at the empty space where our clerk used to sit. Martin. Good man, he passed a few weeks ago.

I put on my jacket and enter the cold, chilled air of December.

People fear me as I pass through the streets and allies. No dog barks and no carol singer sings. I am as solitary as an oyster, and that is how they like to keep it. I have thought about speaking to people before, I don't want to be alone. But all I can feel when I speak is my father's disappointment shadowing me.

Even if I did speak, they wouldn't listen. They would shy away.

"Please!" A raspy voice from behind me speaks.
A disgusting vagabond gazes at me, holding up his hands for my shillings.
I crouch down, acting as if I was about to give him a share of my earnings.
"People like you should be locked up for good," I whisper in his tattered ear.

I walk off, happy and proud. I wonder why people are so lazy and then moan when they end up homeless.


My home was dark. I liked the dark. Whatever was in it couldn't see me. Also, it was cheap. I liked that.

I loved the loneliness of the place although sometimes, I wished for someone to sit with me. The closest I had ever come to love was Belle. But she believed money should come after her. That irritated me. Money is the foundation of the earth, of course, it would replace her, and in an instant, it would replace her.


After another day of crushing people's souls, I was free. Sometimes I wondered how we were so wealthy from our job. We had very few clients we accepted. If you didn't have a job, no. If you have been lent money before, no. If you still have a debt to pay off, absolutely not.

I couldn't fathom why people believed they had a chance. But I liked my job. I enjoyed collecting their debts, it was thrilling watching the blood in their faces drain from them.

"Here we go, Sir." Mal, my maid, says, handing me my supper.

She leans over, her breasts falling from her top.
"Mal, it happened again," I laughed. Her cheeks turn bright red, and I smile.
"I'm sorry."
I touch her hand. She knows what to do.

Unbuckling my trousers, she takes my length into her mouth as I begin to eat my supper.


"Marley!" he's groaning louder now.

I continue to fuck him, watching him squirm beneath me. I couldn't see his face, but I grew closer and closer until...

"It's time to wake up, Sir."

My head shoots up, embarrassed.

"Out!" I demand.
"Sorry si-"
"Don't come back, leave!"
Mal's face turns white. "Please, sir! I'm sorry."
"Leave!" I'm standing now, screaming in her face.

She runs out.

I almost faint, running a hand through my hair. What was that? A boy, beneath me. Maybe I ate the wrong meal.

I sigh. I groan. Now I need a new maid.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2023 ⏰

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