Locked in

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Nezuko, her face flushed with embarrassment: "I... I can't believe this, Muichiro. We have to... we have to kiss to get out of here?"

Muichiro, ever composed: "Yes, Nezuko. It seems the only way to break the spell is through a kiss. It feels somewhat pitiful, doesn't it?"

Nezuko, conflicted: "I... I don't know, Muichiro. On one hand, I've always wanted you to kiss me someday, but I never imagined it would be like this."

Muichiro, understandingly: "I know, Nezuko. It's not the most ideal circumstance for our first kiss. But remember, our duty to protect humans as members of the Demon Slayer Corps comes first."

Nezuko, taking a deep breath: "You're right, Muichiro. We can't let ourselves be trapped in this room forever. We have to focus on our mission."

Muichiro, reassuringly: "Exactly, Nezuko. We can't let this situation overwhelm us. Let's gather our resolve and break this spell together."

Nezuko, with determination: "Yes, Muichiro. Let's do it. For the sake of our mission and for ourselves."

Despite the awkwardness of the situation, Nezuko and Muichiro understood the importance of their duty. With a shared determination, they prepared themselves to take the necessary step to break the spell and escape the confines of the room.

Nezuko, blushing: "I... I can't believe we're really going to do this, Muichiro. It feels so... embarrassing."

Muichiro, with a carefree smile: "Well, Nezuko, it seems we have no choice. But don't worry, I'll make sure to be gentle."

Nezuko, nervously fidgeting with her hair: "Th-Thank you, Muichiro. I appreciate it. Let's just get it over with so we can escape this room."

Muichiro, teasingly: "You know, Nezuko, some people dream about their first kiss being romantic and magical. But for us, it's a kiss to break a spell. Life works in mysterious ways, doesn't it?"

Nezuko, chuckling softly: "I suppose it does, Muichiro. At least we'll have a unique story to tell in the future."

Muichiro, playfully: "Yes, and who knows, maybe we'll laugh about it someday. Or maybe we'll find ourselves in an even stranger situation."

Nezuko, smiling warmly: "As long as we're together, I know we can overcome anything, Muichiro. Let's do this, for the sake of our mission and for ourselves."

Muichiro, taking Nezuko's hand gently: "You're right, Nezuko. Our duty comes first. But I'm glad I get to share this moment with you."

Nezuko, blushing again: "Muichiro, thank you for being by my side. Your amnesia may make you forgetful, but it also makes you incredibly caring and kind."

Muichiro, softly: "And thank you, Nezuko, for showing me what it means to care for others. You've become an important person in my life."
As their lips met, the room seemed to fade away, and all that mattered was the connection they shared. In that locked room, their bond grew stronger, and they emerged ready to face whatever challenges awaited them.

Nezuko, feeling a mix of embarrassment and excitement, noticed a fluttering sensation in her stomach as their lips met. She felt a warmth spread throughout her body, a tingling sensation that made her heart race. It was a gentle, fleeting touch, but it left an indelible mark on her heart, igniting a newfound sense of affection for Muichiro.

Muichiro, though initially taken aback by the situation, marveled at the softness of Nezuko's lips. As their mouths connected, he felt a gentle electric current pass through him, stirring up a mix of emotions. His heart, usually guarded by his amnesia, seemed to awaken, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort and familiarity in Nezuko's embrace.

 His heart, usually guarded by his amnesia, seemed to awaken, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort and familiarity in Nezuko's embrace

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For both of them, the kiss held a significance beyond breaking the spell. It was a tender moment of vulnerability and trust, a glimpse into the depth of their feelings for one another. It was a simple act, yet it resonated within their souls, leaving them with a deeper understanding of their connection.

As they pulled away from the kiss, a myriad of emotions flickered across their faces — surprise, relief, and a touch of lingering bashfulness. It was a shared experience that they would carry with them, a memory that would forever be etched in their minds, and a milestone in their growing relationship.

The kiss had opened their hearts to new possibilities, reinforcing their resolve to support and protect each other. With a renewed sense of purpose and the memory of that locked room, Nezuko and Muichiro embarked on their journey, ready to face the world together.

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