PT. 2

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He throws away the condom and lays down next to me. My head was completely wiped. "Your so hot" I say out of nowhere without thinking. Just as I heard myself say that I quickly cupped my hand around my mouth. I look over at Duff who is smirking. "OH MY GOD" Steven yells running into the room giving us hardly anytime to cover up. Thankfully we cover up just in time for him to walk in the room. "Oh sorry didn't know you guys just got down and dirty" Steven says laughing. He walks over and sits on the bed. "Sooo?" He asks in a girly voice while twirling his hair making me and Duff laugh. "What time is it?" I ask "uhh I DONT KNOW!" Steven says smiling super big.

   "Oh my god your so loud" Duff says truthfully. "So were are the rest of the boys?" I ask Steven hoping he would know. "Uh I think their trying to pick up the front desk lady" he says frowning. "Aw Stevie did they leave you?" I ask worried why he was sad "no she called me ugly" he says sadly. Just then me and Duff look at eachother with shocked faces. "I'm gonna kill her" Duff says looking back at Steven who is now smirking. We look at him confused "y'know you guys are so cute together just stay in bed. Get some rest, take a bath in your jacuzzi!" Steven says acting weird then he leaves. "That was weird" I say cuddling up with Duff. "Wanna get in the jacuzzi?" Duff asks me.

    "Is that even a question?!" I ask excitedly. Duff leaves to get the jacuzzi ready. Just then I hear loud pounding on the door. "Hold on!" I yell at the person but they don't stop. I wrap a towel around my chest and answer the door. Standing at my hotel door was slash who was drunk "hi slash!" I say trying to sound happy. "Hi" he mumbles and pushes his way into my room. "what do you think your doing? I have plans" I say trying to make him leave. "Are you gonna fuck Duff for the 5th time today?" He asks drunkenly. I give slash a quick hug when I let go of him he pulls me back in. His hands on my waist snake their way down to my ass but I stop them. "Okay buddy time to go" I say pushing him.

     "awh but it was just getting funn" he whines. I shut the door and find Duff. I walk in the bathroom to find a mad Duff glaring me. "You okay?" I ask him hoping a good answer. "no someone just tried to fuck my girlfriend" He says "but I stopped them?" I say scared at mad figure. He walks closer to me still mad and I remember my 'father' doing the same. I quickly put my hands over my head to protect myself. Then all of the sudden Duff hugs me. He strokes my hair and kisses my head. My eyes fill with tears and I try my hardest to make sure they don't fall. "I'm sorry for scaring you" Duff whispers to me then kissing my head again. "I'm sorry y/n. You know I would never hurt you, y'know that right?" He says and I nod my head.

    Then realizing that tears were pouring from my eyes. Duff let's go of me and he turns off the jacuzzi water. He kisses me passionately and kisses all over my face making me giggle. He unwraps his towel and sits in the jacuzzi and I follow him. I kiss him softly and I bring my hands up to his hair. I slowly pull away from his sweet lips but I keep playing with his hair. "I love you Duffy" I say "I love you too baby" he says then kissing me. He slowly snakes his hands from my waist to my neck. 'okay he stops there' I think In my head. Then he snakes his hand to my hair. "No no no" I say quickly and pull his hands away from my hair. "Your doing it to mee" He whines "Fine I'll stop" I say pulling my hands away from his hair and sitting on the other side of the jacuzzi. 

   "Y/nnn" He whines "yes?" I ask teasing him "Come back" he says still whining.  "Hhm..And why would I do that?" I say "Because you love me?" He asks and I scoot back over to him. He puts his hand on my thigh and rubs slow circles with his thumb. His hand slowly moves up, turning me on. I moan softly. "Duff.." I say taking his hand off of my thigh. He looks at me confused. "We just fucked." I say softly grabbing his hands to which he whines at. 
        (Awkward time skip)

  After me and Duff got out of the jacuzzi we invited Axl and Steven to go get something to eat with us. we enter some strange restaurant Steven really wanted to go to. "What in gods name is this place Steven" I ask turning to face him "I actually don't have a god damn clue but it's scary I'm out" He says semi quietly running out. With that we just got some burgers from a cute little café. When we were walking back to the hotel Steven started rambling on and on about something I didn't pay attention to. Instead I was realizing how tired I was. It was only like 8:30 so still a little early. When we got back to the hotel I suggest that we should all go to the pool one more time tomorrow before leaving.

     Axl, Steven and Duff say yes so its only Izzy and Slash I have to ask. We go up to the stairs and Duff pulls out our Key. "Wanna see something?" Steven asks stepping out of the stairwell "sure" I say clueless of what he would do. He slowly walks up to a random door and pounds on it hard then sprints away quickly. leaving me, Duff, and Axl shocked as we quickly hid away from the angry person about to open the door. "WHO'S THERE!" An old man yelled. oh shit. I slowly walked away from all the caos and I found the vending machines. "Ooh" I say out loud but quietly. I walk over and search for a dollar in my wallet. As I clicked the buttons I looked around for a camera.

    Why wasn't there one? Because it was RIPPED OUT OF THE CEILING. What in the hell? Anyways the M&Ms didn't come out so I kicked the machine a few times. *Crinkle* Finally I grab my M&Ms and when I turned around I see Duff standing in the doorway. I jump slightly before saying "holy fuck you scared me" he laughs. When we get to our room I flop in our bed. "Wanna explain why the camera was ripped out of the ceiling?" Duff asks smirking. "I swear I had nothing to do with that" I laugh softly. "Oh sure you don't" he says sarcastically. We both lay down in bed and I put my M&Ms on the nightstand next to our bed. Next thing I know I fall asleep the the soft sound of MTV playing and Duff's soft snores.

1234 words |I don't know if I should post more to this. Thank you bunches for reading!|

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