The inauguration

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Hiko's pov

It was the day Naruto had been waiting for his whole life. He was finally becoming the hokage. Shikamaru was already there helping Kakashi~Sensei with last minute preparations so I was rallying up the kids.

"Adie! Kari! Hurry up you two we have to go soon!" I called upstairs.

I waited a moment for them to answer but heard nothing.

"Kai, have you seen your brother and sister?" I asked my youngest child.

"Not since breakfast." Shikai replied.

"Yeah, me neither." I said before sighing. "How troublesome."

Suddenly the doorbell went and I sighed again. That would be Toka, Akira and Itona, they were going to the inauguration with us.

"I'll get it!" Shikai said before hurrying off to answer the door.

I didn't know where she got her energy from because it certainly wasn't Shikamaru and I. Maybe Toka or Boruto had rubbed off on her.

"Shikadai! Shikari! We'll leave without you!" I yelled.

"Are they still not up yet?" Akira asked from the front door.

"They were awake earlier but they're Shikamaru and I's so they likely went back to bed." I said.

"Well at least one of them is up." Toka said as she ruffled Shikai's hair. "I'll wake them up for ya."

"Thanks." I said.

"Shika 1! Shika 2! I'm coming to get you!" Toka yelled as she began heading for the stairs before stopping. "Say, why are they all called Shika?"

"They're how old and now you think to ask." Akira said.

"It's a Nara family tradition." Itona said.

"Yeah but why all of them?" Toka asked.

"One of them will inherit the infamous Ino-Shika-Cho formation, which one is up to them seeing as they share the same name." Itona said.

"Oh. Good thinking Hiko~Sensei." Toka said. "I'll go get them."

"Be prepared for them to come down in a bad mood. When Toka wakes you up you end up with bruises." Akira warned.

"Is Toka~San going to hurt Adie and Kari?" Shikai asked.

"Probably." Itona said.

"She'll just make them fall out of bed, nothing serious." Akira said, putting a hand on her shoulder in an attempt to reassure her.

We waited for a few minutes for them to come down stairs. The first person to join us was Shikadai.

"You're awake!" Shikai cheered as she hugged her older brother.

"I wasn't asleep." Shikadai said as he allowed his sister to hug him.

"Video games?" I asked.

"Yeah, sorry." Shikadai said.

"You don't need to say sorry, you were just having fun. I've only been yelling because we're running late." I said, ruffling his ponytail.

"It's so early? Why did you tell Toka~San to wake me up?" Shikari groaned as she came downstairs, rubbing sleep from her eyes with Toka following behind her.

"It's your uncle's inauguration, we're late." I said.

"Shoot! I forgot!" Shikari exclaimed, waking up a bit more.

"I noticed." I said. "Now is everyone ready to go?"

"Yes mum." The three kids said.

"Let's head out then, your dad's already there." I said.

Time skip

When we arrived at the Hokage tower we found a good spot by Sakura, Choji and Iruka.

"Let us commence the inauguration ceremony of the seventh hokage." Kakashi~Sensei said as he stepped into view ontop of the hokage tower.

"I, Kakashi Hatake would like to thank you all for your attendance. Now let's have him step out onto the stage, the man that will replace me as the seventh hokage! I'm sure you all know Naruto Uzumaki!" Kakashi~Sensei announced as Naruto stepped forwards.

"He really did it." Sakura said.

"Of course he did, he never goes back on his word after all." I said.

"Yeah." Iruka said.

"Thank you! Thank you!" Naruto exclaimed, waving to the crowed.

I smiled and shook my head. The man up there wasnt even Naruto, I could tell by his chakra. The idiot couldn't even attend his own inauguration, that was just like him.

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