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My nose is bleeding.
Why did I say that?
I'm a first class prick aren't I?
"What were you thinking, Prongs? Actually, scratch that, why weren't you thinking?" Sirius chastises me all the way to the medical wing and to be honest, he has every right to.
"Look, Pads, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have got involved I'm just so fed up of your family treating you like shit"
"Yeah well that's not your battle to fight"
"Why do you keep pushing me away?"
"I'm not I just don't want you involved"
"I don't want you to allow yourself to be treated like shit"
"I can look after myself, James"
"I know you can, but that doesn't mean you can't have help sometimes"
"Yeah, well, I don't want your help"
"What has gotten into you?"
"Look, you can be there to stand against Bella or Cissy or whoever else but no one lays a finger on Reggie"
This takes me aback, I didn't realise quite how much he cared about his younger brother. Of course, I knew he loved Regulus and cared about him but I didn't know the true extent of it. But this is where I decide that Sirius can never know that I've kissed his brother...or that I want to kiss him again.
"Right, sure" is all I say
"Look, Prongs, I'm sorry I don't mean to snap at you, especially not while you're bleeding" Sirius says with a sigh
"It's alright mate, I understand"
"I don't know why I've been so snappy recently"
"Pads, it's okay, I know you don't mean to be a prick"
"Woah, I think prick is a bit far don't you? I prefer sassy drama queen"
I sigh "of course you do"
Eventually we reach the hospital wing and seek out Madam Pomfrey "Merlin what happened to you?" Asks Madam Pomfrey
"Regulus' fist" I reply
"I see, well, I can fix this in no time, follow me Mr Potter"
I nod and follow as Madam Pomfrey leads me to a chair "Should I go?" Asks Sirius
"Mr Potter will need something to hold on to, maybe offer him your hand, this will hurt" Madam Pomfrey warns. Sirius nods and holds out his arm, I don't take it, not even when Madam Pomfrey points her wand at my broken nose which is covered yet again by my hand "Take your hand away, Potter" and I oblige.
"Episky" Madam Pomfrey utters with a swish of her wand. My nose snaps back into place and I grab Sirius' arm out of the pure shock of it all "Mother of Merlin!" I curse
"I guess that's what you get for pissing off my brother" says Sirius
"I guess so" I reply, though i preferred his reaction the last time I pissed him off.
"Thank you, Madam Pomfrey" I say
"Any time, Mr Potter" replies Madam Pomfrey before walking away
"Mr Potter" I hear my favourite Professor, Professor McGonnogall say, and usually I'd be happy to see her but I'm very much aware that I'm in trouble this time.
"Ah there's my favourite professor!" I exclaim with a stupid grin on my face
"My office please" says McGonnogall
"Yes, Ma'am" I reply, getting up and following McGonnogall after saying bye to Pads.
We reach McGonnogall's office and we both step inside, with her closing the door behind me
"Take a seat" she says, gesturing to the seat opposite her desk
"Now, James, you know I'm fond of you"
"Why thank you"
"However, what you said to Mr Black is quite unacceptable"
"To be honest, Professor, I deserved that punch, and I deserve the detention you're about to give me"
"I'm glad we agree. Just one question though, before I issue you your punishment"
"Of course"
"Why did you say it?"
I sigh "I don't know, I'm not sure what came over me, I just remembered about Sirius telling me all the times Regulus stood and watched, all the times Regulus was an enabler, and I just got so heated that I said something I didn't mean, I know there's nothing he can do, I don't know why I was so horrid and I do regret it. What's my punishment?"
"After that sorrowful admission I'm hesitant to give you one"
"Please, Professor, you can't let me off"
"I won't. Detention this afternoon with Mr Black"
"Thank you, Professor"
"You're free to go"
"Have a good day, Professor"
"You too, Potter"
I leave McGonnogall's office and mentally prepare myself for a detention with Regulus.
Eventually, my detention comes around and I realize that I'm running late so I start to speed walk to the Great Hall. When I pass through the large doors, I realize I am late considering Regulus and Mr Filch are already there
"Finally. Took your time" I hear Regulus whisper
"What was that, Black?" I ask out loud to prove I'm not afraid of confrontation
"Quiet" says Mr Filch "Tonight you will be polishing trophies, no wands of course. I don't care how long it takes you so long as you get it done. I'll be checking in on you hourly to make sure that you haven't bunked detention but other than that you're on your own" Filch continues. He says nothing else before he escorts us to the trophy room "Here is where you'll be for the duration of your detention" he states before leaving the room, leaving just me and Regulus.
We get to work, each taking a trophy to ourselves and polishing in silence. I last about 20 minutes before I can't help myself, I have to say something, the silence is killing me.
"Are we really going to do this whole thing in silence?" I ask
"Funnily enough, I don't feel like talking to you right now" Regulus replies
"Look, I was a prick, I know I was and I really am sorry, if that means anything"
"I'm glad you've realized that you're a prick, it's taken you long enough"
"Please, Regulus, I'm trying here, can't you give me something to work with?"
"What do you want from me, James?"
"What do you mean?"
"You're so fucking confusing, on the train you couldn't take your eyes off of me, then you were a prick, then you kissed me, then you're a prick again and now you're trying to be nice to me, make up your mind for fucks sake, do you hate me or not?"
"I don't know"
"You don't know what?"
"I don't know if I hate you"
"Oh, charming"
"I feel like I should hate you, I feel like I should loathe you the way I do the rest of your family but I can't, it feels wrong. Something tells me I should feel a different way about you"
"What way?"
"I don't know, like not a hate way?"
"Your descriptions really are immaculate, tell me, are you actually Shakespeare in disguise? Because you could have fooled me"
"Merlin, you really are unbearable sometimes, do you know that?"
Regulus gets up and comes closer to me, suddenly I forget to breathe. I hold my breath as he gets closer
"Is that so?" He asks "tell me that again, tell me how unbearable I am when I make you so flustered" he demands.
I say nothing.
"Easier to be a prick when I'm so far away but as soon as I'm close to you you're dumbstruck" Regulus states
"You're so pretty" I blurt out.
What the fuck?
Why did I say that?
What if he punches me again?
"Pardon?" Asks Regulus
"Such a pretty boy" I say
Am I fucking possessed?
I must be, because I cup his left cheek with my right hand and force him to make eye contact with me "Who's the one that's dumb struck now?" I ask, a stupidly smug grin on my face. I don't know what confidence demon has possessed me, but she can stay.
"Say it again" Regulus asks
"Pretty Boy" I reply
Regulus takes a sharp intake of breath at the compliment, almost like he's been dying to hear me say it. Maybe he has?
We just stare at each other for what feels like an age before he finally cracks. He kisses me and I kiss him back. The kiss is so passionate, so full of lust, longing, want, desire, hatred, loathing, emotion. This one kiss carries so much and is so good.
We hear footsteps and we immediately stop, practically jumping away from each other. We quickly retrieve the trophies we were polishing and carry on as though nothing happened. Mr Filch shows up in the trophy room, checking to see if we're still there.
"If you've been here this long you probably won't bunk now so I won't be back...because I don't care that much, just get this done or you'll be back tomorrow" says Filch before he leaves. His footsteps die out and we're alone once more.
"He won't be coming back" I say
"I heard" replies Regulus.
The tension is still crackling in the air. I stride over to Regulus, place my hands on his face and pull him back in for another kiss. "Tell me to stop" I say
"What?" He asks
"Tell me to stop and I will" I reply "But I need you, Regulus, I need you now, I don't know what this feeling is, why I'm feeling it or how long it will last, all I know is that I need you, I am burning for you so tell me to stop"
Regulus just looks at me for a moment and for that one moment I fear he will tell me to stop, for that one moment I fear this whole moment will end and we'll be rendered to polishing in silence once more, and that moment feels like forever.
"Whatever you do, do not stop" is all he says, and that's all I need. I reel him back in for a kiss, smashing my lips onto his out of burning need to feel him against me.
My hips grind against him and I can feel he needs me as much as I do him. He grinds against me too, in this moment, we burn for one another.
I unbutton his shirt "Tell me to stop" I repeat
"Don't" he replies, so I continue.
His shirt is on the floor, leaving his chest and torso exposed to me. He is a beauty. I want to have every inch of him. "So pretty" I murmur between kisses down his chest and torso. I make a point of marking him, his collarbone, the bottom of his neck, the middle of his chest, both sides of his hips. With each hickey came a sharp breath, or if I was lucky, a small moan which was such a pretty sound for me to hear.
He takes off my shirt, but I don't allow him time for kisses or hickeys as I unbuckle his belt. I know exactly where I want this to go.
"James" says Regulus. Please don't tell me to stop.
"Regulus" I reply
He doesn't tell me to stop, he bring my face back up to his and kisses me almost violently, but I let him. I want him to bruise my lips, to leave a part of him with me forever, lest this be our first and last time with this moment, with this feeling.
He kisses all over my body.
We remove each other's belts, each others trousers, leaving both of us exposed to one another.
"Such a pretty boy" I say for what must be the millionth time as I kiss down his body once more "Please" he begs as I get lower and lower. He feels the need too. He burns for me too. "I need you too" he continues "I know" I reply.
A while later, after we did what we needed to do, we lay in each other's arms, tangled in one another, reliving the moment we just had, recuperating from the events, but all I wonder is whether this will ever happen again, or whether this is the last time I get to experience the beauty of Regulus Black.


Hello there my lovelies!

A bit of a...mature one, if you will, here but let's be real guys, I'm not built to write slowburn so it was gonna happen eventually and eventually is now. Either way I hope you guys enjoyed this one! I'll see you again soon in the next chapter, but until then have a beautiful day!

Stay Wonderful my loves!

All my everlasting love,

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