○The Picture I once adored○/♡The Picture I adore♡

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Today was a quiet day in the house of the Shinonome's, Ena was out the house to meet up with her band members, the mother of Ena and Akito was out of town, their father was busy somewhere in the town.

The only one home was Akito. The Ginger was home often nowadays due to the exam season in Japan starting, so the group practices were more irregular than ever.
So there he was, sitting in his bed and staring at the ceilling, he didn't know what to do.

He got up and went to a small box he kept on the desk. As he opened it you could see pictures of him and another person, that other person was no one else than Tsukasa Tenma, his beloved boyfriend. He took out one picture and stared at it, it was him and Tsukasa in Phoenix Wonderland, forming a heart together. The picture was a polaroid one to be exact and at the bottom there stood something.

"Akito and Tsukasa - 9th September"

Akito spoke quietly, as to be scared that someone would hear him. The polaroid was made by Saki, she made two of them, both had the same text. The name "Akito" was written by Tsukasa, the name "Tsukasa" was written by Akito. The rest was Saki's handwriting.

Akito sighed, remembering the day like it was yesterday.

Flashback to the 9th of September

It was a cool day for the fall, barely 10°C. Akito was visiting his boyfriend, wanting to spend time with him as it had been time since they had last seen each other.

"Akito! Do you wanna go to Phoenix Wonderland with me and Saki? We could have a lot of fun there!"

Tsukasa was gleaming with excitement, wanting to show Akito around newly renovated parts of the park.

"Hm? Oh sure, alright, it had been some time since I last have been there.. I think the last time I was there as a child"

Akito told Tsukasa that and Tsukasa's look was just offended.

"What?! That can't be true! Seems like we really need to get you bsck there now! Well, you can go and out on your shoes! I will go up to my room, grab some things and then come back down! Saki will be ready too in some minutes!"

Tsukasa, who was now very excited, went up his stairs to grab his purse and put it in his backbag that he took everywhere. It was a gift from Akito. The backbag was yellowish-orangish and had (poorly) cut out stars on it and a (well drawn) badge with the saying "World Future Star" which had little stars in the background.

Saki was getting herself ready too, put some water bottles and food in her backbag for the 3 to eat. She also put in some hairties since she would be leaving with her hair open but didn't want to ride anything with it open.

Akito just went to the door, where his shoes were standing, and put them on.

After Akito, Saki and Tsukasa all were at the front door, Tsukasa walked out of it, full of energy. Saki did the same, happy that she will spend the day together with her beloved brother and his boyfriend.

Akito walked behind them at first, watching both of them chat on the way but later went next to them and grabbed Tsukasa's hand.

This startled Tsukasa as normally he was the one to first engage in physical touch, since it was his love language

"Ah! Who are you and what did you do to my boyfriend?!"

Tsukasa said this with a chuckle at the end, knowing that Akito will understand it as joke. He held Akito's hand firmly while smiling as bright as the stars in the sky. He really enjoyed when Akito showed him physical affection without him saying anything for it, it just proofed to him that Akito felt comfterable around him, even in public.

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