Berdly x Natsuki

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A collab between yours truly and Ploopy666. The part 2 to this story should be published on their account right about now 

It was a beautiful day outside, the birds were singing, the flowers were blooming. Unfortunately for Natsuki, there was one bird in particular singing, and he was singing his own praises with a proud smirk across his gorgeous, stupid, pretty, feathered face.

"There's really no better option!" Berdly exclaimed, smug as ever. "I'm the number two best student in my class, and I'm getting tutored by number one!"

"...Uhm... How exactly does this relate to literature...?" Monika asked, tilting her head slightly.

"It... Just does. So please, just... L-let me into the club! Please, I'm so lone... Uhm... So... Confident that you need me!" He quivered slightly and twiddled his thumbs, staring sheepishly at the ground.

Monica could sense his utterly superior alpha sigma gamma ultraviolet x-ray energy and sighed, giving in to his dominance. "Alright...What did you say your name was again?"

"Berdly, my name is Berdly... But you can call me Lord Berdly! And soon, Super Lord Be-"

"We are not calling you that."

"Just Berdly is fine."

"Thank you for cooperating. Meetings are after school everyday." Monoca said with a warm, welcoming smile.

Berdley flashed his bright purple chompers and nodded erratically, crusted wings proudly on two of his five snatched waists. The absolute gigachad knew what he had to do: He needed to make a good first impression. This was, of course, no difficult task for such a suave, talented, charming, amazing, immaculate, eidetic, man.

...Or was it?

The next school day ended with a KABOOM (figuratively, this is a Japanese school, not an American one). Bradley stomped and clamored down the hall to the literature club classroom with the utmost swagger, that only a man who's name had six letters could manage. He kicked open the door to the literature club with a KABOOM (figuratively, this is a Japanese school, not an American one), and startled all the fine ladies inside.

He analyzed his surroundings: Minoca, the club president who so rudely told such an omega male off. A large purple woman of a woman, with dark kokimurasaki-colored hair, and honker donker boinky doinkies. A friendly-looking girl who seemed like the best side character possible in Berdly's journey. A small brat***.

Berdley waved at the females, getting ultramarine feathers all over their faces (nice shot!). They all screamed, but Berdly took this as a good sign. He sighed with relief, glad that he made such an incredible first impression on his new '[[Hoochie Mamas]]'.

They like me!

Berdly's heart was beating a steady KABOOM (figuratively, this is a Japanese school, not an American one) as he peered over at the tiny child with pastel pink locks. The fact that she was an underclassman, had the body of a child, and possessed lungs, all contributed to him falling in love with her at first sight. He could taste his Mountain Dew Flavored Drool™ rolled out of his beak, so he quickly tried to wipe it off. Unfortunately, he only got feathers in his mouth as well, so he began to cough madly.

Soon enough, The Legend calmed down and saw the three of the girls scowling at him. Minancia attempted to smile, but twitched and frothed madly. Yuri was absolutely not going feral on the floor next to them while Sayori was doing Sayori activities. Natsuki, on the other hand, was simply looking at Berdly, confused.

"...Are... Are you okay?" She asked, seemingly more out of social obligation than genuine concern. Berdly was elated, however. She... She was asking if he was okay!

Nobody had ever asked him that before!

Bird licked his beak, and nodded excitedly. "Jinkies, of course I-I'm okay, my sweet!"

Natsuki stared at him, feeling more concern than she ever has in her very long life (14 years!). "Are you sure?"

"Yes! Positive!" Berdly exclaimed, already conjuring up a dastardly scheme in that noggin of his. "...Say, are you http? Because without you I'm just ://"

Translated to speech, it didn't make that much sense. Natsuki stared at him blankly and tried to think it through, but couldn't due to her lack of his amazingly high IQ of 79 (the 1 at the beginning is silent).


"What do you mean?" He said, getting slightly frustrated that his pickup line didn't make her swoon for him automatically. "I'm asking you out on a date!" He bit one of his many tongues before he could say anything offensive.

The rest of the literature club girls looked at Broadly in dismay, going through different stages of grief for their dear ex-friend. Mincinaka was already preparing to kick Natsuki out, Sayori was preparing the Rusty Cage song, and Yuri was sharpening her kettle. Berdly, being the alpha male, immediately recognized the danger.

"...U-Uhm...Madam? Allow us to... Make a tactical retreat..." He pulled her out of the room into the hallway before she had the chance to speak. He did not say something rude in the process.

"H-Hey! What are you-"

"I have the ultimate plan! We could escape, but first... I need to make sure that you're capable!"

"Where are you taking m-"






"Y E S? HUHHHH???"




Natsuki considered her options. It was either this or going back to her feral f̶a̶t̶h̶e̶r̶ Monikcan (who was secretly Mononkika all along). She sighed and reluctantly agreed with a small nod, using the head that she had gotten for her birthday (June 9th).

Continuation on Ploopy666's account

A Collaborative Saga Of Works, by Fanatic and PloopyWhere stories live. Discover now