Suspicious Bee 1

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Bumblebee drove into the base before transforming into robot mode, he stretched before walking to the human area.

He stopped when it seemed Raf was talking to someone, he looked around and saw Jack and Miko were missing.

So who was Raf talking to?

Bumblebee decided to stay and listen.

"Yeah, so you divide 16 by 2 and get your answer."

Bumblebee heard Raf say.

"You're welcome."

"All right see you later."Raf closed his laptop to see a sad looking Bumblebee.

"Eh, my mom just called Bumblebee, she said it time you take me home."Raf said.

Bumblebee transformed into vehicle mode before opening his passenger door.

Raf packed his bag before getting in, Bumblebee's door shot before he sped out of the base.

Part 1

Suspicious Bee

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